Author Topic: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?  (Read 47262 times)

Vera Larson

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What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:22:30 AM »
What was it about the Michael teachings that initially attracted you?

[Mod. note: Vera, I edited your subject title to make it more relevant in searches. - Dave]
« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 03:32:40 AM by Dave »


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 07:40:19 PM »
For me it was the concept of soul ages. I could not understand why so many apparently intelligent people just couldn't/wouldn't get ideas/concepts/practices that were so obvious and clear to me and I was usually judging them as stupid or pig-headed. I already understood the idea of maturation from developmental psychology so had a real aha moment when I understood that younger soul ages simply didn't have the 'equipment', which took me out of judgement and allowed me to save a lot of energy trying to shift them where they couldn't go. I loved the idea that as you don't judge/blame a child for not being able to do or understand beyond his level, you don't do the same to younger-souled adults. Some people have accused me of elitism, or a sense of superiority, and I don't buy those labels. For me it is a lot more elite/superior to think of them as stupid as I was doing before. Being in the moving part of intellect, stupid is not a good place to be. ;D

Later, I had a reading that confirmed my impression that I am an old Priest and that made a lot of other things in my life make more sense, too, especially the part that says that a relatively small percentage of people are either Priests, or in old lifetimes. The loneliness, the feeling of being apart and not like others that I had been made wrong for for so much of my life was now explained and I am much more at peace with myself because of it.

I have been able to use this information in talking with individuals and groups, especially with recovering addicts, who have found it liberating for them as well.

I am interested in hearing about how others came to the MT's as well, so thanks for posting this question


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 07:50:39 PM »
I was literally attracted to the Michael Teachings by an overleaf chart sitting on an easel during a new age fair back in the early 90s. I got a brief general channeling with a few questions, which was about a million times more helpful than the rest of the new age fair combined. There was no "Woo-Woo / Ascended Masters / Grey Aliens" aspect to it, just startlingly insightful information that was 100% useful to the things of this earth. I took a class from that channel shortly afterward, and the rest is history!


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 11:26:15 PM »
It's not so much what 'attracted' me, but what spoke to me.  I had been a spiritual seeker for almost as long as I could remember.  While my mother was Anglican and did her best to encourage me to follow her in her faith - up to the point of forcing me to take first communion when I was 12 - it didn't 'take'  ;) and as soon as I could get away, I did. 

I read/devoured anything and everything I could find on any sort of a spiritual/metaphysical subject - Ruth Montgomery, Jane Roberts, I forget all of them but I literally read them all - and something always seemed to be 'missing'.  Shortly after "Messages from Michael" was published I entered a New Age type of bookstore that I had never seen before.  I saw the book on the shelf, picked it up and it looked intriguing - even with the ouija board cover (which  attracted me rather than put me off).  I started to read it that night and I read it in one sitting. All of a sudden the 'missing' piece of the puzzle fell into place.  I 'knew' with as strong a sense of  knowledge that the sun would rise in the morning, that this 'teaching' resonated to the very heart of my being.  The missing piece of the puzzle was found. 

I haunted bookstores hoping for 'more'; I wrote the publisher and the author and my letters vanished into some big black hole.  When "More Messages from Michael" was published, I pounced on it and devoured it as well.  I was a Michael student. Even though my attempts to get in touch with the group netted zero results, I knew that even if I was the only person in the world who was on this path, it was my path, my teaching.

I continued to delve into channeling and using the ouija board myself with great success and discovered/re-learned more about our spiritual identities, often asking about Michael and getting confirmation of this validity.  It wasn't just me who recognized Michael, but others on the other side were 'familiar' with them as well, even though they didn't follow the Michael teachings.

I discovered the on-line Michael community in 2001; lurked for a while on one of the sites, and then finally joined.  It felt very much like a coming home, of finding family with whom I had lost touch many years before.  I have had the chance to ask Michael about this 'connection' and they basically confirmed that I have been one of their students for many lifetimes, and was actually incarnate in familial relationships with some of their members while they were still incarnating, so no wonder they felt so familiar.  The teachings are so incorporated into the core of who I am now that I could not 'not' be a Michael student. :)


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2011, 12:34:29 AM »
  When I read "Messages from Michael" I was amazed at how much sense it made both logically and intuitively.  As I meditated and got private sessions I couldn't believe how much of a connection there was between the teaching and my own memories of past lives and other experiences.  It wasn't just a book to me with words in it because it directly agreed with my own feelings and experiences.  Finally, I had found a spiritual teaching that identified with the reality I live in. 


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2011, 12:48:01 AM »
I find that Michael, Seth, Lazarus, Ramtha, etc all make the same essential points about All That Is, Love, and Self-Creation.  I study them all together in one big metaphysical campfire.


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 01:07:03 AM »
What was it about the Michael teachings that initially attracted you?

I also am interested in the Soul ages. The young souls are people for whom intimate relationships with other people are a big mystery. Young souls feel different and lack social skills. Mature souls are people whose lives revolve around intimate relationships. I think the majority of people are mature souls now. I keep thinking of the movie 'Annie Hall'. That last scene.
The old souls are people who no longer need the eggs! Old souls are more into discussing unconditional or universal love.

I am a young soul.



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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2011, 01:21:56 AM »
The Michael teachings ended up being the most reasonable place to be in my search for like-minded people and just plain good "down-to-earth" good information. I "knew" things from the time I was very very young but there sure wasn't anyone to talk to about them or who even understood what I was trying to tell them.  In the 1930's and 40's there were worldly things to think about and I'm not sure that, other than churchgoers which my family wasn't, people even thought about anything spiritual much less metaphysical.

 In the 50's I was working at Stanford Research and met up with a lot of neat science-oriented people - who LOVED to debate!!  And debate we did - about everything including "God" - funny thing happened at one of our get-togethers - whatever the subject was that night, it included God in a big way.  I skirted around using the word "God" and tried all the descriptive things I could think of to say.  One of the guys finally said to me "We're all talking about the same thing but you are refusing to call it the word the rest of us understand so therefore, we don't understand you.  To discuss things with others you have to use language others know!".  Wow, what a lesson for me! 

Getting to know this group was a wonderful time in my life but it was over when I left and moved to L.A. where life and the "good times" got in the way.  Even then, at my party girl best, I would have flashes of insight and know.  Mostly what I knew was that no matter what it seemed physically, I was still ok and would be kept from going over the edge.  Funny how many times that was true - I would back off something and take the other path even though "I" had no idea why - just that I wouldn't go there.  And so life went on - and on and on and on - and I tried it all - some good and some bad but never boring.  And always there were the strange little peeks behind the veil where I just knew - and still no soul mate that actually could understand what I was trying to say and talk with me.   Mind you, I was never lonely cause I had this neat guide? inner being? ET? that was always there when I would listen but I still longed for a physical person who just "got it". 

Long story shortened - A few years ago I discovered Seth.  Yes, yes, yes!  but still not complete.  Then I started poking around and found Bashar, Kryon (one of my favorites) , others, and finally Abraham where I thought my journey was complete.  I went on Abe cruises, went to seminars, was online every day with the group and made lots of really good like-minded  friends.   I was a tiny bit discomfited when I went to a two day seminar at Jerry and Esther's home in San Antonio - It was a great get together but it all smacked a bit of "lives of the rich and famous" - And the whole channeling seemed to be more and more about attracting the same life style rather than attracting happiness.   As the list got more and more new people (attracted from "The Secret" and such) that were more interested in physical gain (stuff, things, possessions) than in understanding the universe and all that it meant, I started looking again and that's when I found the Michaels.  Hurrah!

I don't always agree with everything the community has to say but it's all interesting.  I'm a 4th old Scholar and knowing that and my overleaves has helped me understand others as well as myself.  I feel like everyone on the list is family and it's almost like I know you all personally.  I joined the community in 2002, got the Michael books as fast as possible and  Shepherd did my chart for me in 2003.  There are still areas of the teachings that I don't understand (or frankly even care about) but overall this group and our mentors are so all-encompassing that I find  a new aha moment almost everyday.  I love being part of all this.


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2011, 02:34:13 AM »
What attracted me to the Michael Teachings was reading the original Michael books, which were introduced to me by my roommate when I was in graduate school in the Bay Area.  Reading the material, it all "resonated" - I didn't know exactly what that meant at the time, but I knew it "felt" right. I liked that it seemed sort of psychological and orderly and that you weren't forced to believe or not to believe.  I liked that it was your choice. It seemed very modern.  I also really liked the "voice" of Michael - I thought Michael was funny and astute and on target.  This is something that I miss very much.  Although I like the information given by various channels, I really don't hear "the voice" coming from them, i.e. I don't think "pure Michael" is coming out anymore. That's too bad...


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2011, 02:52:15 AM »
The Michael entity was my first experience with connecting to the otherside.  You always fondly remember your first!


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2011, 03:13:44 AM »
My sister-in-law gave me the first Yarbo book.  The organization of the teaching resonated with observations I had made throughout my life.  I was about  14 when I knew I had been reincarnated regardless of Catholic dogma.  I also knew I have been female more often than male. 


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Re: What attracted you to the mt?
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2011, 03:29:44 AM »
I was a long-time Seth devotee, and when my sister dropped a copy of Messages From Michael into my lap it was love at first...okay, so I hated the book the first time I read it. I thought the concept tried to compartmentalize people and place them in boxes. But years later (around 1995) I rediscovered the teachings and the second time around was the proverbial charm. 

Like others, I would say the concept of soul age fascinated me the most initially, and then little by little I began digging further into the core riches that the teachings offered concerning the psychology of the soul. It explained so much about who I was and why others were different, and from literally day one I've never lost my enthusiasm or fascination with the material. Surprisingly, for over a decade now I've tried to create educational mediums that would help students learn more about the teachings. I can't say I've enjoyed the occasional arrows from my detractors, but being of service to fellow Michael students has always been a great pleasure.



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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2011, 04:58:53 AM »
I had always been fascinated with channeling.  While taking a class with Holly Coleman, I brought in pictures of my kids.  I had been having a very challenging relationship with my daughter.  Once Holly told me she was a King/Artisan I felt a whole new world of information opened up for me.  I could now understand why my daughter was they way she was.  The information was so valuable and I began using it as a frame of reference for many of my relationships. 


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2011, 06:13:22 AM »
Before Michael "reached me" I wasn't esoteric at all. My wife was and I always thought: Ok you have your opinion and I have mine. We both had the idea to learn to hypnotize and for me it was the first step not only believing in prior lifes but to get to know about my personal past lives. I read the books from Dr. Michael Newton and Brian Weiss. I was impressed to hear about Life between Lives. I goggled this topic and came to an amazon review about the books from Varda Hasselmann, a german channel in touch with the causal plane entity "The Source". In this review was the sentence: ... just the same as the Michael Teachings. I googled Michael Teachings, found the page where you can downlosd the ebooks from the first 2 Message books, started reading and that was it. Today I have my own Michael Teachings Website in German language.



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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2011, 07:11:19 AM »
Hi to all! So good to hear so many more people attracted to the Michael Teachings! I too, have been a long time student
& use them extensively in my readings. The teachings definitely answered a lot of questions for me when I was much younger - especially, as others have pointed out that being  an old soul certainly feels less lonesome.