Author Topic: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?  (Read 31181 times)

Chiara DB

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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2011, 07:01:40 PM »
Nicolas, I've also been channeled as a Warrior, a Server, and a King! The King was the latest diagnosis and the one that I think is actually correct, with Server casting. I think it took a while for me to throw off family imprinting to get to show what I really was.

It's really hard to say what the special benefit of the Michael Teachings is for me, other than it is the foundation for my worldview and permeates everything I do in some way. I'm not saying I go around typing everyone and trying to figure out their overleaves - it's actually the many other things that I've learned from them, about acceptance of myself and others, about how to be happy, about how energy works, the relationship between essence, personality and false personality, about how to understand the universe and everyone's place in it. As far as overleaves go, I actually find Soul Age (or Perspective, which I think is the more useful term as it gets away from a false sense of hierarchy) the most helpful overleaf of all as far as understanding and accepting others and their perspectives, goals, and desires.

Unlike Nicholas, I do not love telling people about my non-physical teacher! There is so much incredibly useful and life-changing information in the MT, I wish I could tell everyone about it without having to say it's channeled and immediately turn it into something kooky in the eyes of people who aren't into the new age thing, but could seriously use the information the Michaels present. I just call it my "philosophical system" and if people ask I tell them more about it. Most are nice, but I still think the channeled thing keeps them away.


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2011, 08:31:15 PM »
Nicolas, I've also been channeled as a Warrior, a Server, and a King! The King was the latest diagnosis and the one that I think is actually correct, with Server casting. I think it took a while for me to throw off family imprinting to get to show what I really was.

Unlike Nicholas, I do not love telling people about my non-physical teacher! There is so much incredibly useful and life-changing information in the MT, I wish I could tell everyone about it without having to say it's channeled and immediately turn it into something kooky in the eyes of people who aren't into the new age thing, but could seriously use the information the Michaels present. I just call it my "philosophical system" and if people ask I tell them more about it. Most are nice, but I still think the channeled thing keeps them away.

Chiara, the imprinting and conditioning made it hard for me to discern my role, as well.  I had actually skipped over SAGE in all my efforts to identify my role.  The SAGE was the part of me that made my family very uncomfortable.  So I learned to NOT be a sage as much as possible...except in ways that they could accept-like performing on stage.

The priest energy was easy to identify.  I thought I was a priest!

I like your phrasing-"philosophical system."  I don't actually tell everyone that I have a non-physical teacher.  I am quite discerning about how I share my information and whether or not someone can receive it.  But for those that I can be more open and honest with, I do take a certain pleaure in appearing more eccentric;-)


Chiara DB

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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2011, 08:47:40 PM »
Chiara, the imprinting and conditioning made it hard for me to discern my role, as well.  I had actually skipped over SAGE in all my efforts to identify my role.  The SAGE was the part of me that made my family very uncomfortable.  So I learned to NOT be a sage as much as possible...except in ways that they could accept-like performing on stage.

That makes a lot of sense -- it's probably something similar for me, now that you bring it up. I never gave King a consideration either. I know I could be tyrannical as a teenager, but that was because my family was so busy trying to keep me from experiencing any personal power or acting/being/feeling exalted in any way. Thanks for that, I never made that connection before!

The priest energy was easy to identify.  I thought I was a priest!

You definitely have a Priest-y feeling over this medium, though the Sage is apparent too!

But for those that I can be more open and honest with, I do take a certain pleaure in appearing more eccentric;-)

Well, as a Sage with Priest casting, of course you do! :D

kenneth Margo

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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2011, 07:07:41 PM »
That the  soul is on a journey from individual isolated fear ridden to a universal  all embracing conciousness . Michael defines more explicitly than any other teaching I know  the stages and mechanisms by which this progress happens. 


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2013, 04:19:11 PM »
Concerning the teachings, I think discovering that I was an Old soul was the perfect antidote for the years I suffered from a painful lack of self-esteem. No longer would I feel the need to worry when my past lives out numbered the bristles in my toothbrush, or shy away in humiliation when someone asked me what my favorite soup was, and I innocently replied: "primordial."

Seriously though, the Michael teachings liberated me from relentlessly trying to pound that square peg into the round hole of my soul. I learned that it's OKAY to be eccentric and somewhat out of step with society, and although I occasionally worry about that birthmark on my forehead that suspiciously looks like the word "expired," I now know that my place in the world is both valued and unique. At least that's what it said on the back of the cereal box this morning!  ;D


So relate to everything you wrote here, Dave. Every bit of it.  I have never fit in with my overall extended family, and learned much later why that is--they are predominantly baby/young with a few mature souls.

Also regarding birth marks, I have the remnant of a bullet hole in my left side just below the ribs in line with the left kidney, and I've always been able to "feel" that kidney inside. It's been there as long as I can remember as a child.


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2016, 07:26:02 PM »
For me, it's the aspect of tolerance and understanding for other people that I like so much in MT. It removes some guilt and explains that many things we judge in other people are just overleave stuff.

Then I asked a chart and found it relatively accurate. I am not sure that I am a King; I'm fleeing leadership so for a King, it's kind of abnormal.

As a mature 3rd level and with a life quadrant of knowledge, I was believing I was a scholar but that is just my overleaves which push me to seek knowledge; this is accurate.