Author Topic: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?  (Read 31182 times)


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What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« on: April 15, 2011, 10:05:43 AM »
I'm excited about the Michael Teachings. Especially the teachings about the soul ages has answered many questions. For example, why I've always been the misunderstood and unrecognized stranger in my own family. The only old soul in the family, I felt my otherness very painful. I particularly noticed that the essence level is an abstract concept and not a tangible experience for the most of my fellow human. So I had the first 35 years of my life no one who understood me and could really share my experiences and challenges.
Often I met people who told what they knew everything. But it was almost only by reading anything, no real personal experience. Sometimes I was just amazed what occupied my fellow man. Things that did not interest me at all, because I perceived a wider perspective - “what interests me your clothes, your car, your profession, your IQ etc., when I look at your essence“ ;)

I didn't “fit in” anywhere and did not know why. I was missing a mirror for my being - I felt like the Lion Lambert in the Disney movie;) I knew I was different and gave myself the fault that I could not be like the others or "fit in" - "mission impossible" :)) --

The Michael Teachings were therefore very important for me - for selfunderstanding and because they gave me new hope of still finding someone who understands me really!!! - So it happens, as I met my entity mate. But that's another story ;)

What are your experiences? What is for YOU the special benefit of the Michael Teachings?


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 10:46:46 PM »
Hi Stefan. :)

I'm in 6th mature, and the MT have been acting for me as a sort of 'soothing' element in what feels to be this rather difficult soul age/level. Well, not 'soothing' per se, but the teachings let me understand and accept more of 'where I am' currently in the grand scheme of things and that it's okay to feel like I've been hit over the head too many times, knowing that I'm at the stage where I have to pay back some karma and that all the angst is kind of supposed to be experienced. It's also been great validating that there are lives after this life (which seemed clear and obvious to me anyway).

I just think it's a great set of teachings over all, and it just all makes sense. That's what seems most important to me (having scholar casting it's also nice for my brain. heh). The insight/perspective I've gained so far is great and well worth it.


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2011, 11:51:40 PM »
That's a succinct and wonderful way of putting it, Elisabeth: it just makes sense. I totally agree!

Years ago I wrote about the personal benefit of the teachings on my student profile, so I'll just cut-and-paste it here. It was meant to be kind of silly, but I think you guys all know that I hold the teachings in very high regard.


Concerning the teachings, I think discovering that I was an Old soul was the perfect antidote for the years I suffered from a painful lack of self-esteem. No longer would I feel the need to worry when my past lives out numbered the bristles in my toothbrush, or shy away in humiliation when someone asked me what my favorite soup was, and I innocently replied: "primordial."

Seriously though, the Michael teachings liberated me from relentlessly trying to pound that square peg into the round hole of my soul. I learned that it's OKAY to be eccentric and somewhat out of step with society, and although I occasionally worry about that birthmark on my forehead that suspiciously looks like the word "expired," I now know that my place in the world is both valued and unique. At least that's what it said on the back of the cereal box this morning!  ;D



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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2011, 12:00:33 AM »
I am 2nd mature scholar/sage....and to me Michael Teachings just opened up another door to why and how we exist. It made sense at the time in my life when I was searching for more answers. I still do not understand it all but continue to follow the posts and comment when I feel I need clarification(so you wont see me that often LOL because as a scholar I like to research matter on my own...better gratification in my own mind (arrogant C.O. hehehe)).

And I am MOO because I have a fascination with dairy cows at this point in my life. And "HI"!!!! :D


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2011, 12:18:52 AM »
One of the benefits for me has been the reminder that even though someone may be what I consider "a noodle" (that's my kind way of saying something less than kind) they too are spiritual beings having a human experience! It keeps me focused on the big picture.

I'm a rotten student though, I'm too busy dancing!  :D


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2011, 01:45:58 AM »
I've come across other personality typing methods and all have been helpful and interesting but none have been connected to spiritual issues in such a postive way as the Michael Teachings are, and none go into such depth.  I ended up in a life situation where I somewhat lost who I am, and yes, I've also been surrounded for most of my life by people who think I'm eccentric because of my beliefs and my need for freedom.  It's taken the study of a couple methods of personality typing and looking into who I really am to help find myself, and it's been a worthwhile adventure because though I was being who I was when I was younger, it was in an unconscious sense.  Now the main question facing me is whether my core Role is to be a Sage or Scholar (edit:  or possibly Priest), though I'm interested in everything the Michael Teachings have to offer.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 10:58:21 PM by Drury »


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2011, 08:52:23 PM »
In the early to mid 80s, I was in search of spiritual teachings which made sense to me. During a Seth phase, I found the CQY books in a Cambridge, MA bookshop, and have been pretty much hooked since then. I've been channeled a couple of times, variously as an artisan, scholar and server. My own self-observation yields Scholar (pretty profoundly so), somewhere in the Mature swamp (I'd say mid to late---but how do you really tell?), maybe an Idealist, probably in Acceptance, and I'd say a primary CF of arrogance and a secondary one of impatience, to name a few Overleaves.

The teaching has really helped me accept myself for who I am: a pretty information-loving guy for whom material things mean relatively little (although I love books and good food), a pretty emotionally centered but intellectual kind of person, who likes the company of friends and family but needs his down time. The MT were liberating for me when I realized I could "be spiritual" and still cultivate my love of intellectual things - as much as Zen and meditation in general fascinated me, I didn't have to walk a non or anti-intellectual path to connect with my soul. Au contraire. Plus the MT helped me understand what was going on when I traversed the fourth monad thing a while back (I'll be 50 this year - so like 15 years ago), and helped me come even more to terms with my being gay in this life. Excellent parents helped too.

The MT have also helped me accept other folks for who they are, not that I'm always 100% successful on that one! The one irony I find in the application of the teachings is that in one of the early CQY books, Michael says that the Overleaves were given to help people stop brooding about personal relationships and to get on with the life task. But I find that people, myself at times included, get so caught up in determining Overleaves that it becomes counterproductive at times. Over time I've realized that at best I'll have an imperfect idea (idealist talking?) of what mine and others' are, and that's how it is. Anyway, it's great to be reminded that we have souls, that we come around again to do it even "better," and that we're here to live our lives in this maddening and exhilarating world.


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2011, 05:15:50 PM »
Hi mtscholar!  I'm just heading out and don't have time to say much, but I wanted to comment on the following:  "The MT were liberating for me when I realized I could "be spiritual" and still cultivate my love of intellectual things...."  I practiced Zen off and on for years and had a similar insight in that I didn't need to put myself in the Zen "box" and be quiet and serious, as most of the Zen students were in this area, but could be more expressive and fun loving and still hold to the teachings. 


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2011, 09:27:37 PM »
When I found MT, I think I thought something like "wow - where was this hiding?"
Then I devoured it in later nights. Things were clicking into places. There are too many to mention them all. Eventually I wanted to know my overleaves. Got them channeled and experienced a powerful self-validation. Sort of "this is me and its okay, I am okay". And also self-understanding - sort of ahas - that is why I do this or that and why I feel about it this way, and these are my options.
It also explained a lot about other people and helped me to get on with them and understand a bit more about what is my part of responsibility in conflicts.


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2011, 11:29:31 PM »
I can so relate with the not being serious part! I'm a scholar, and my posts on here have been pretty serious in tone, but face-to-face I'm kind of a wiseass, a sarcastic NJ boy (now living in the Midwest - help!) who loves being silly and having fun. Not that I'm not serious about lots of things, I am, but one of the things I've always appreciated about Michael is their statements that most people prefer (is that the word?) learning through pain than through joy - implying, as I see it, that one CAN learn through joy. And that true intimacy is fun. That one statement is one of the pillars of the universe for me.


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2011, 11:33:46 PM »
The special benefit of the MT for me has been to validate the feelings and questions I've been struggling with all my life.  There was always a sprinkling of self-doubt; i.e., am I crazy for feeling this way?  When I discovered MT back in the day, it was a liberating feeling of relief.  Recently getting my overleaves channeled was another welcome sense of validation and knowledge.

It has also helped me make sense of some of the things that have happened in my life.


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2011, 10:49:22 AM »
philosophical masturbation  8)

Chiara DB

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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2011, 04:25:39 PM »
LOL! An honest man or woman has been found! ;)


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2011, 09:34:18 PM »
Is some kind of orgasm involved?


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Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2011, 06:50:40 PM »
The benefits...
Well, I first discovered the Michaels in the Fall of 2007 and immediately began absorbing as much info as I could.

Before that, I had studied astrology, numerology, Reiki, psychic awareness, intuition, tarot, the eneagram, and various forms of meditation.

The Michael teachings stood out to me because it was a coherent map of the evolution of the soul and how the personality is designed by the soul.

I have been channeled as 1st old, 5-6 old, and 6 old...and as an Artisan, a King, and a Sage (channeled as Priest-cast all 3 times!).  Through my own validation process, I've accepted that I am a 6th old priest-cast SAGE.

Without going into the profound experiences of validation for my overleaves, the michaels, and the teachings, I can say that the benefits have been more clarity within my own being, experiencing AGAPE for myself and my life, and a great deal of healing.  Also, I have a much greater awareness of when I am coming from personality/false personality and when I am coming/acting from true personality and essence.  This awareness is part of what I mean when I say a "greater clarity in my being." 

I found these teachings in the middle of my 4th Internal Monad, and they were pivotal for me in working through the monad with a greater grace and ease.  I'm still in the monad (5th stage, apparently...).  Meeting my essence twin in the middle of this monad was also a great boost to my self-awareness, growth, and progression through this monad.

I continue to soak up, apply, and validate these teachings.  I love telling people about my non-physical teacher and seeing how they react;-)
