This is a great discussion that ended too early... Apologies for the necropost.
I worked within the industry of my major for 8 years, then spent about 7 years doing fun/weird things for a living, and went back to the old work again--typical office environment. I have an MBA but have no desire to manage others, not even if it would open an opportunity to be a mentor. Instead, I keep to myself, as it's a very quiet, individualistic job, and have good relationships with fellow co-workers, where we do fun things together on certain days, go out to lunch often, and it's fairly low stress. Which suits me just fine.
But, I do have a tendency where the Sage will demand to be heard, and basically on Facebook, etc, no one "gets me" at all, not even remotely. They don't get my jokes, the innuendos, nothing, which can be fairly lonely at times, like living for years in a foreign country without properly learning the language and customs. It's not for lack of trying, just somewhat hopeless. LOL! However, I will say, an interesting effect is that soul ages seem to reveal themselves very quickly in social media. The baby souls will rally around each other. Oh, I have some friends from childhood who are in a baby enclave, and they just don't get my religious humor, which is not meant to offend, it's just, maybe too layered, and they see only the literal, not the figurative.
One really obvious solution is to break contact with people who tend to grate with you. Sad but necessary. Baby and young souls have powerful egos who are intolerant of any foreign idea that threatens the status quo. Whereas, swapping jokes or stories with a stranger or old friend who happens to be mature/old, AND who is manifesting it, AND in 4th IM (that's a pretty significant factor), you won't run into that blowback.