Author Topic: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?  (Read 47558 times)


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2011, 08:29:03 AM »
Note: I've decided to answer the question before reading any of the answers so as to be most authentically "me."

I was seeking in a very systematic fashion for "something." I'd spend weeks in Wikipedia reading about ancient history, mythology, religion, and tracing clues back and forth across Tibet to Mesopotamia. Somedays, I was nested 12 or more pages deep following links as I veered off this way and that. Somehow or other, I landed on the Michael Teachings page in Wikipedia. I had a focus.

So, I was off and running on the Michael Teachings website. But what was the single-most thing that caught and held me? Soul Ages. That made sense. I had been reading various books and authors since the early 1960s. I'd read "The Search for Bridey Murphy" as a teen in the late 50s. I'd read all of the Cayce books that were published during the 60s/70s, the Seth books, Blavatsky's "Veil of Isis," and "The Secret Doctrine," along with both the Egyptian and Tibetan "Books of the Dead." Reincarnation was the only thing that made sense to me, but I still couldn't figure out the mechanics of it.

The way that Michael discusses reincarnation totally removes the punitive aspects of it. It simply makes everything else I've read to be pointers along the way. Even karma is "just" balance. Since I already operated under the idea of understanding coming through genuine experience, karma makes absolute sense. How can you appreciate whatever you've done without walking in the moccasins of the other? And, this includes Tao. How can Tao KNOW something without experiencing it. This is what we do.

But, having Essence go through growth and development through all of its incarnational experiences is a critical piece of the puzzle. It removes the feeling of being a puppet. What we do through ourselves includes our fragment within, which is Essence. None of us will live as the exact same Personality or incarnation again. *I* will not be born again. Essence will be.

I achieved great peace accepting the idea that there are no right or wrong choices. My entire life clicked into resonance as everything that I'd ever done MATTERED. All of it. The pleasant and the unpleasant. How else could it be? It all made sense.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2011, 10:53:33 AM »
The initial attraction of MT for me is to find an interpretation of everything instead of the thing itself. It’s so interesting for me to know what Michael’s view on Buddha, Jesus and Laozi, who they are, what they do and where they are from. The same as many of others, soul age is definitely fascinating. I somewhat believe in practice makes perfect (but I am kind of lazy in deeds comparing to my belief). It is much more convincing to believe in soul age than becoming enlightened suddenly or just through meditation. The observation of people in my life increased my interest to know more about MT. I think it is at least a goal for me to become more tolerant to live with people of different soul ages and overleaves, though I know I am still very unskillful in dealing with conflicts most probably due to my aggression mode.
Another factor is not the teaching itself, but the people involved. Many are old souls. And some are impressive old7. Their values make me feel so comfortable with. Their perspectives are so enlightening. It’s a great thing for me hear what older souls say about the world before entering that phase. So far, I think they are very smart and worth learning. Without Dave’s dedication to the website, my chance of knowing MT is small. Thanks Dave~


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2011, 11:45:50 AM »
Everything. There really is not an aspect of it that is not of interest to me. I devour this type of stuff. One thing though that MT has, that many other systems don't, is the abundance and breath of the material. Also the option to take part in live channeling chats. Later on I have also discovered that more thematic material keeps coming and I am unlikely to ever run out of material to study. I have been interested in esoterics, occult, personality systems, metaphysics and spirituality since teen years, so none of that was new to me with MT. I suppose I also resonate with Michael's particular way of explaining things. And I like systems and this is very systematic.
The fist mention of MT for me was in the comments under one of Veronica Entity YouTube videos. Hungry to find out more about Veronica or anything similar, I looked up "Michael Teachings" and ended up at Dave's site.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2011, 11:51:15 AM »
In 1979, right after my divorce, I was lost.  Although I joined and worked at the Rosicrucian Order, the teachings left more questions than they answered.  I found the book "Messages from Michael," and the book kept me enthralled, interested and engaged.  I read it over and over and "knew" my own overleaves from the information given.  Soon, I sought out Michael channels and learned I was a 4th level old Sage, which truly resonated with me and explained why, in the midst of any crisis, I seek humor.  Since then, I have been privileged to channel Michael and continue to be amused by how much humor they bring to truth. 

The beauty of Michael is that each essence role feels connected by what is uniquely "them."  With Michael....all you have to do is show up!

John Roth

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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2011, 01:36:14 PM »
I ran across MfM in the early 80s, and like most Michael Students, it attracted me and immediately made sense, where Seth, Ramtha and all of that ilk were interesting information but never really coalesced. In retrospect some of the information from Seth fills in pieces. So does some of the information from Michael Newton, but Michael provides a framework that attracts me.

This is the usual reaction if you've got an agreement to study with Michael. I've never found anyone without an agreement who's attracted.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2011, 01:54:30 PM »
Like others, I first discovered Seth, etc. I found MFM in a New Age bookshop in Cambridge, MA in the early 80s. The incisiveness and (in most instances) great clarity of the language impressed me, in contrast to lots of the "woo woo" stuff I'd read. Probably because I'm a Scholar.... I like the emphasis on verification of information. Soul Ages explains much to me, in particular, as does Essence Contact. All these years later I'm still quite interested in the material.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2011, 07:29:59 PM »
I've been aware since age 4-ish that I saw the world (and people) differently than most, and I've been a seeker in earnest since high school.  Over the next 20 years, I was always on the lookout for anything (Psychology, Biology, Sociology, Spirituality, etc.) that could explain why I was different than most people or why I felt I was on some sort of quest.  I discovered the Michael Teachings about two years ago when I was drawn to seek out anything I could find on "Old Souls," and found the Michael Teachings through a self-help book by Thayer White.  In it, he strongly recommended the Yarbro writings as a source of research and learning, as over the years he'd never had a major point of contention with them.

I picked up a copy of the first book, read it, and agreed - the book seemed to firm up a lot of conclusions I'd synthesized from many sources over the years.  So I picked up the other Yarbro books as well.  MMfM and MP also had a lot of good material, but MftM seemed to wander a lot and was more vague in nature.  I picked up Shepherd's book later, but by that time I'd devoured much of the website's contents, so a lot of it was repeats.

These days, I use Soul Age and the Overleaves as a system for personal growth, and for understanding and helping people better.  I also appreciate the glimpses of what comes after reincarnating on the physical plane ends.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2011, 08:13:47 PM »
I wasn't attracted to it, it came to me.  A very good friend took MFM off her bookshelf one day over a decade ago and said "Here, I think you will like this."  Boy was that ever an understatement!  I read that book in a state of high energetic excitement, because as I read I was saying to myself "Yes...yes!  Of course.... I knew it!"  here, finally, were the answers I had intuited all my life but never knew how to formulate.

I love Michael and the teachings and the students. I have made wonderful friends and even met some of them IRL.  I have learned from everybody! It has all drastically changed my life for the better(I am now single, living in a different state, working a totally different job!).  I love my life and being creative and free and adventurous.



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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2011, 12:30:08 AM »
I seen it in a vision while doing an epic dose of pure extracted psilocybin


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2011, 03:01:16 AM »
Having read Seth & Cayce in the 70's the Michael System was a natural progression. As a geeky scholar I instantly loved the clarity of the information. As an astrologer I find using the Michael System adds further insight for my clients. I am so grateful to the Michael System their information has been helpful to me on so many levels. I also think that the Newton books on between life states complements the teachings.

kc wilkerson

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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2011, 01:23:16 PM »
My Osho sanyassin friends explained the soul age and role concepts in 1988 and then invited me to a private Joya Pope presentation. I also began following my 18 day male cycles (now for over 20 years), and with that confirmation (of the information Michael makes available) I was convinced - I have also associated that info with alchemical astrology. Thank you Michael.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2011, 02:16:02 PM »
Since Dave ask for input, I'll add my 2 cents worth...having been involved in "spiritual work/seeking" professionally and individually, I'm very open to any message that "speaks to me"...however, I had not heard of Michael Teachings until about 8 months ago when Norm Shealy mentioned them and Shepherd Hoodwin in his newsletter.  After some time, I thought I'd take time & check this out.
   WOW, when I did, BINGO, BONGO...this made so much sense to my already intuitive sense of the connection of what I called the spiritual and the human experience. Along with many traditions and spiritual modalities,  I was a student of Enneagram and loved its presentation of discovering more of your "true Selfhood" beyond the masks so it was easy for me to slide into so much of the logic of structure of MT...but it's very deep and I'm not even to first base.  I enjoy having a few moments to study and listen to what is being shared.
    One of the most attractive points of MT to me is the nonjudgemental aspect of being a human in the world today...I'd already discovered and felt comfortable with this, but the whole system of MT brings out WHY you do not judge others...and when we discover and practice this, we bring more of the Pure Love into our experience collectively and individually and hopefully this will bring healing to even earth's challenges and a sense of individual freedom to be more of our Essence.
    Thanks MICHEAL, Dave, Greg, Shepherd and all Folks on forum!!  :)


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2011, 06:06:41 PM »
I found a copy of the MFM in a used bookstore around the corner from our home in 1995.  After reading the 1st chapter I knew it was for me - the intense desire to know more about karma and reincarnation - Geraldine sums up it all so well!


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2011, 11:27:01 PM »
I'm enjoying reading the responses to this question. To take my own situation a step deeper, I was raised Jewish - reform, laid-back, but Jewish nonetheless. However, I never could quite believe in the God that I was always hearing about in services. Fast forward to the early 80s: AIDS was hitting killing people I knew, and I felt my own mortality strongly at a relatively early age (early to mid 20s). That propelled to me investigate whether anything subsisted after death. For many years I read everything about life after death that I could get my hands on. The Brits did some interesting work on this decades back, btw. Seth satisfied for a while, but the Michael Teachings appealed much more strongly to my fairly logical and linear brain.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2011, 12:54:22 AM »
It's been well over 30 years since I found the Michael teachings.    I found it then and still do, to be the most elegant explanation of existence I've found.   

Many things in the world and my life have changed mightily since then, but the teachings continue to remain relevant and continue to guide me on this journey I have undertaken.