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Goal of flow


Chiara DB:
I have always wondered what it was like to have the goal of Flow (formerly goal of Stagnation), maybe because I am in Growth and that is the exact opposite. If you have the goal of Flow or know someone who does, what is it like? My idea of it is this - the Dude from The Big Lebowski:

I was told by Shepherd Hoodwin that I have the goal of flow.

For me, it is as if I have no goal in the life, only living the life as it is. I follow the stream of the life. I have no great ambitions; my life as it is now is mostly OK. I seek no competition.

An ancient colleague was laughing at me, telling me I was 'the big Lozevis' (as big Lebowski).

Hope I answered partly your question. I don't know myself perfectly.

Chiara DB:
Thank you - that is funny that you were actually called the Big Lebowski, haha :)

As Shepherd says, it's the goal of not having a goal. ;-)

For me, flow is about taking a break from growth-inducing activities. Life doesn't always accommodate that desire, but if you can squeeze out one mini vacation after another, it's surprising how good that can feel. Okay, so I'm being a bit delusional here. Though, I think that Big Lebowski guy has it right -- at least in theory. ;-)


P.S. - Still working on the MT site update. It's taking an eternity.

Keep the good work on the site!
For me, the goal of flow was a kind of revelation: I'm not obliged to accept or reject any situation; I can leave it as it is, no effort to do.
Maybe also, the goal of flow allows me to take a temporary goal if I wish so. I did no do it for now though.


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