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Essence Twins / Re: Twin flame
« Last post by jflozevis on August 02, 2016, 06:37:56 PM »
I found in another forum message by Jo that:
"An essence twin is a soul we team up with for an entire grand cycle to reflect ourselves back to us; it is the most intense relationship we can have. It is synonymous with the terms twin flame and twin soul, but not necessarily with soul mate."

I should have read the forum before asking my question...
General Discussion / Re: What I like in MT
« Last post by jflozevis on July 04, 2016, 12:12:58 PM »
For other people's roles, I'm trying to guess their roles. Some are, for me, pretty obvious but many are not though.

Moreover, I did not find my own role "king" and believed I was a "scholar". So I'm more humble now about guessing other's roles, despite my arrogance overleave...
General Discussion / Re: Goal of flow
« Last post by jflozevis on July 04, 2016, 12:09:30 PM »
Keep the good work on the site!
For me, the goal of flow was a kind of revelation: I'm not obliged to accept or reject any situation; I can leave it as it is, no effort to do.
Maybe also, the goal of flow allows me to take a temporary goal if I wish so. I did no do it for now though.
General Discussion / Re: Goal of flow
« Last post by Dave on July 04, 2016, 07:38:33 AM »
As Shepherd says, it's the goal of not having a goal. ;-)

For me, flow is about taking a break from growth-inducing activities. Life doesn't always accommodate that desire, but if you can squeeze out one mini vacation after another, it's surprising how good that can feel. Okay, so I'm being a bit delusional here. Though, I think that Big Lebowski guy has it right -- at least in theory. ;-)


P.S. - Still working on the MT site update. It's taking an eternity.
General Discussion / Re: What I like in MT
« Last post by Dave on July 04, 2016, 07:30:24 AM »
I like to call it the psychology of the soul. And I agree, the teachings do encompass a number of important areas in our lives. It certainly makes interacting with strangers more interesting. I find myself constantly gauging their eyes and facial expressions to guess roles. Knowing if you're dealing with a warrior or a priest can really change the dynamics of the interaction. It's fun.

And apologies for the late reply. I'm busy working on the update to the MT site. It's taken much longer than expected.

General Discussion / What I like in MT
« Last post by jflozevis on May 06, 2016, 07:07:42 PM »
I like the MT belief system because it encompasses many psychological behaviours. It's really a great system explaining many things of our lives. I like also the tolerance it shows. Maybe it's a bit too intellectual but it is really worth the reading.
General Discussion / Re: Goal of flow
« Last post by Chiara DB on April 08, 2016, 03:49:13 PM »
Thank you - that is funny that you were actually called the Big Lebowski, haha :)
General Discussion / Re: Goal of flow
« Last post by jflozevis on April 05, 2016, 07:06:10 PM »
I was told by Shepherd Hoodwin that I have the goal of flow.

For me, it is as if I have no goal in the life, only living the life as it is. I follow the stream of the life. I have no great ambitions; my life as it is now is mostly OK. I seek no competition.

An ancient colleague was laughing at me, telling me I was 'the big Lozevis' (as big Lebowski).

Hope I answered partly your question. I don't know myself perfectly.
Essence Twins / Re: Twin flame
« Last post by jflozevis on April 05, 2016, 07:01:21 PM »
That's the problem: I don't know what is really a twin flame. But for what I believe, it's almost the same as the Essence Twin. There's a big, divine  connection between the two twin flames. I never met my twin flame but it is said it's a big thing for purification and soul evolution. A twin flame is your mirror: you can see all your defaults reproduced by the twin flame. The meeting is really disturbing.
General Discussion / Goal of flow
« Last post by Chiara DB on April 05, 2016, 05:00:50 PM »
I have always wondered what it was like to have the goal of Flow (formerly goal of Stagnation), maybe because I am in Growth and that is the exact opposite. If you have the goal of Flow or know someone who does, what is it like? My idea of it is this - the Dude from The Big Lebowski:

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