General > Paranormal

Is Michael a Ghost?

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Questioner: Is Michael a ghost? ???

In order to make things clear, Michael put on the overleave of the goal of acceptance, the attitude of cynic, the center of emotion/moving part and the chief feature of self-protection and here comes the voice:

Michael: Nonsense! Who says we are A Ghost?! At least you should say we are Ghosts!

Questioner: I didn't make it up. I heard people say that you are invisible and talk through a channel.

Michael: That's true. But we've never played a horror movie or scared people at night!

Questioner: That sounds like a friendly ghost...Then what do you do at night?

Michael: How many times should we repeat?! We are not A ghost! We are made up of 1050 souls. Forget it...

Michael shake their heads and decide to zip their mouth...

Questioner: You haven't answer my question yet. Come on...come on...come on...Where are you?

Michael: OK, we are on causal plane.

Questioner: Causal plane? Then what is the cause for going there?


Michael finally decide to give up explaining. They take off the overleave. At a relief, they decide to fly to a Zen garden with seven kinds of flowers and 7 types of birds to have a retreat for 7days plus 7hours and 7minutes.

The topics for this session of Zazen are: Who am I? Who on earth am I? What on earth do people on earth are thinking? ::)

The tip from the Zen garden: non-attachment; the ghosts are neither better nor worse than sun-gods!

~Michael is a group of 1050 essence fragments.~

Does anyone know how these essence fragments became to be "Michael"....did it start out as one and had grown? I dont remember reading this in transcripts(its been awhile). And when you finish all life cycles do you become a "Michael fragment" or is that why we have ghosts?

Moo, from what I read, Fragments start reintegrating into an Entity as each cycles off. Once they are all cycled off and reintegrated, they move to Causal.

John Roth:

--- Quote from: MOO on June 18, 2011, 12:12:13 AM ---~Michael is a group of 1050 essence fragments.~

Does anyone know how these essence fragments became to be "Michael"....did it start out as one and had grown? I dont remember reading this in transcripts(its been awhile). And when you finish all life cycles do you become a "Michael fragment" or is that why we have ghosts?

--- End quote ---

Essences are originally cast into entities, 7 entities into a cadre and 12 cadres into an energy ring. That is, the Essence is a member of an Entity before its first incarnation on the Physical Plane.

The process of integration begins on the astral after a number of Essences have cycled off of the physical plane, and continues on the causal. Cadres integrate on the mental plane.

Ghosts are usually persistent psychic impressions with nothing behind them, however sometimes they're actual incarnational selves that haven't transitioned from the physical plane to the astral after death. Most of them are simply hanging around to attend the wake and the funeral so they can see what people actually thought about them. I wouldn't be surprised to find a fair number attending the Reading of the Will.


John Roth

So what I read into this is that "Michael" is continually changing essences as they are cycled off and more are introduced...and there is more than one "Michael" entity?


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