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Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« on: April 13, 2011, 09:50:42 PM »
I have known my ET since the early 1980s, but I didn't know he was my ET until the 2000s. I wouldn't say the relationship is "too intense" - I'd say the opposite is true.  It seems like I'm the one who is always initiating contact and conversations - if I didn't, there would be no contact at all, and my ET would be perfectly fine with that.  What does it mean when one side of the ET equation is the one who does all the caring? According to Michael channelings, he and I were male twins in Africa that were sacrificed at age 19 for the good of the tribe (and then we became totem spirits of the tribe for 400 years) and we also had a life where I was the male and was killed for my heretical beliefs, leaving my ET destitute until death occured a year after my own. To me, this history doesn't warrant him being so indifferent to me in this life. It matters a great deal to me that he think well of me and etc. but like I said, he doesn't care. It's not that he doesn't like me as a person, it's just that he is so into his own life that he's his own "one and only." Oh yeah, I'm a 4th mature priest and he's an artisan ( I don't know what level he's at - ETs are not necessarily at the same levels, yes?)


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 07:34:34 AM »
I'm sure others here will have a more definitive response, but I'll jump in and mention that your ET can be like a mirror of your deepest personal issues, so it's not always the most comfortable pairing. There can be an intensity involved that the average person might find daunting, and it wouldn't be surprising to see some ETs keep a wide berth when they can. Perhaps the connection is too much for him, and his indifference is really a defense mechanism, of sorts.



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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 07:44:25 PM »
My ET is equally fascinated by the study of religion as I am, but he keeps it at a scholarly level and has a Christopher Hitchens attitude, whereas I'm a believer with a Shirley MacLaine outlook, so I always thought that maybe this aspect of me makes him uncomfortable - sort of like a city slicker with a bumpkin cousin.  Or, maybe he does find the energy daunting. Some people have said I'm intimidating and that really surprises me - little ol' me, a Priest, intimidating?  Yet I remember this one person with an intermittant stuttering issue would always end up stuttering really bad whenever he tried to communicate with me, so maybe there is something in that observation.  I also find it odd that I am such a fan of the Michael Teachings yet my ET isn't - I thought that ETs would share spiritual affinity, but perhaps I'm wrong about that, too?


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2011, 01:43:18 AM »
It's the same story with me, Rosey. I've done all the initiating with her, and she could care less. I don't bother much anymore.

It's not a particularly intense relationship, as we don't know each other well, but there have been validations, and we have similarities (we both studied voice, for example).

One point is that personality isn't essence, and everyone has free will.

Like soul age, ETs are not as big a deal as many think.

Chiara DB

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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2011, 07:56:56 PM »
I'm married to my ET, and we've been in each others' lives for the last 13 years. I would guess that your ET just isn't interested in doing the ET thing with you. Once you start engaging with your ET, it's like a rollercoaster you can't get off of. Every button that can be pushed by each other will be pushed, all the time, almost without relief. Understandably, most people aren't interested in that.


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2011, 11:45:18 PM »
Chiara, is your ET also interested in the MT?

With my ET it never has been a rollercoaster in this life.  When I first saw him I didn't know anything about MT so of course I didn't know he was my ET.  He's handsome and charismatic (in an arrogant way - OMG, I just realized he has a bit of Mr. Darcy in him!) so that was the initial attraction, but then coming to find out we had the same interest in religious studies was the clincher.  My ET grew up only a few blocks away from me but I didn't know him until we were both in college, since he went to a private Christian school before then.  One thing that puzzles me is WHY did we grow up in the same neighborhood if it was going to come to naught? He could have been born anywhere in this world but he was born and raised a few blocks from me and it was meaningless in the end?  That seems like a cosmic waste. I always have said that he's living the life I would have wanted to live if I had been a boy - traveling the world, someone at every port, devoting one's life to study - it couldn't be better.

Chiara DB

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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2011, 05:43:49 AM »
Rosey, it's odd -- he won't really read any MT himself, but he loves hearing about it from me, and gets a lot out of it that way. He's also been to a few channeling sessions, and he's gotten a lot from those too.

I would love to hear Michael's answer to your question about why you grew up in the same neighborhood but aren't really involved with each other. I'm imagining some story like you guys do this over and over just to be near each other without getting in each other's way, or something like that :)


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2011, 06:21:49 AM »
In Hinduism and Buddhism there is the notion of darshan.  That is, just by being in proximity of a guru or other holy-type being, your own vibration quickens and you experience an acceleration in your spiritual path.  (I'm not sure how close you have to get, but I once was in the same stadium as the Dalai Lama, and I think everyone there assumed that they were receiving darshan.)  Anyway, perhaps there is something like this in MT that I don't know about.  That is to say, perhaps there is some sort of vibrational benefit to being somewhat physically close to, but not in personal contact with, one's ET or TC or other important spiritual mate?  I do wish I could ask Michael these sort of questions myself but alas Michael does not communicate with me, and to have all my questions answered by a channeler would cost hundreds of dollars...

Chiara DB

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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2011, 06:31:00 AM »
I know what you mean -- I don't exactly have the cash laying around to do 20 questions with Michael either. I definitely believe that simple proximity can affect others in the way you describe. In fact, the Michaels say that that's the exact role that old souls can play. For instance, they say we don't really have to participate that much in a group full of younger soul ages -- just an old soul being present there gives the group some kind of spiritual lift.

My husband the Priest definitely affects people just by giving them his attention. I can see their energy change and lighten before my eyes.


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2011, 03:34:39 PM »
Just a thought here. It's interesting what you say - he's living the life you would have wanted if you had been a boy. In this day and age you are not really prevented from it, right? What is he showing you with this?
A singular channeling session with Michael, relatively thorough one, would not cost you hundreds anyway.


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2011, 05:27:57 PM »
I'm sure others here will have a more definitive response, but I'll jump in and mention that your ET can be like a mirror of your deepest personal issues, so it's not always the most comfortable pairing. There can be an intensity involved that the average person might find daunting, and it wouldn't be surprising to see some ETs keep a wide berth when they can. Perhaps the connection is too much for him, and his indifference is really a defense mechanism, of sorts.


I can so validate this, Dave.  I have been one of those people who from an early age longed to find my "other half" or "twin-flame."  Careful what you wish for!

We found each other in the Spring of 2008.  Everything happened very fast.  We were calling each other boyfriend after 2wk, and about another wk into our knowing each other, we were talking about the inevitability of me moving into his apt in Astoria, NY.  At first, everything was pretty blissful.  I knew that I "knew" him and that he was either a task companion or essence twin.  But our relations deteriorated pretty quickly, and only now do I understand that what was going on between us was exactly what you described above.  I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame and then equally as repulsed by what I saw.  In the negative, I found him to be superficial, ungrounded, arrogant, commitment-phobic, and a deceptive chameleon.  There were lots of positives, too, but they got eclipsed by all the negatives that I focused on.

This relationship brought up all of my insecurities and vulnerabilities and past was intense and dramatic.

I'm happy to say that this relationship was/is a huge boost to my self-awareness and growth, and Michael has said to me that it is impossible to meet with an essence twin without it being considered (in retrospect) to have been a pivotal encounter.  This is so true.

Now, that I am more than halfway through my 4th internal monad, I have so much more clarity and awareness about myself and Viktor.  I also experience the positive poles of my overleaves with much more consistency, and for this reason, I am able to be with him in more of a harmonious and unconditionally loving space.  Accepting that he is truly my equal has helped, as well as accepting that he is my MIRROR in a most intense way.  Finally, accepting that this relationship, by its very essence twin nature, is a catalyst for my personal growth, has helped me to cherish this bond.  I feel so much more myself when I am with him (and since having met him!), and everything, all my perceptions are/have been heightened.

There has been a great deal of disagreement about the Michael Math and characteristics that help to validate essence twins.  So, I think it might be helpful to share our profiles, here.  The way I validated Viktor as my essence twin was quite profound for me.  As I said above, when we first met, I knew he was either my ET or a Task Companion.  Why?  I just knew.  There was a timelessness and intensity that was experienced along with a great deal of love.  Well, I received my profile and saw that my essence twin had been channeled as a male SERVER living in NYC.  I had moved away from NYC by this time, and I knew immediately upon receiving that tidbit that Viktor was my ET.  So, I ordered his profile because I knew that once I saw his profile, I would have my validation due to the channeled info about the characteristic "signatures" of essence twins.  Sure enough, when I received Viktor's profile, I had been correct.  In one fell swoop Michael, the teachings, and Viktor being my essence twin were validated.

Our profiles:

Role: SAGE
Casting: PRIEST (Raw number #993)
Cadre/Entity: 1/7
E-ratio: 20 focused/ 80 creative
Freq: 88
Soul Age/Level: Old/6
Manifested Age: Mature to Old

Goal: FLOW >Growth/Acceptance
Mode: OBSERVATION > Reserve/Passion
Center/Part: Moving/Intellectual

Casting: PRIEST (raw number #993)
Cadre/Entity: 2/7
E-Ratio: 80 focused/ 20 creative
Freq: 85
Soul Age/Level: Old/6
Manifested Age: Mature to Old

Goal: FLOW > Growth/Acceptance
Centering/Part: Emotional/Intellectual

Nicholas "Babylove"


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2011, 05:48:09 PM »
I'm married to my ET, and we've been in each others' lives for the last 13 years. I would guess that your ET just isn't interested in doing the ET thing with you. Once you start engaging with your ET, it's like a rollercoaster you can't get off of. Every button that can be pushed by each other will be pushed, all the time, almost without relief. Understandably, most people aren't interested in that.

Um, YES, Chiara!!!  Button pushing, FOR REAL! LOL!  Viktor and I haven't lived together since Winter 2009, and I will be moving in with him and some other roomates later this year.  Sometimes I think to myself, "What are you doing? Are you CRAZY!!!" But it is also true what you said about once you start interacting with your ET that it can be like a rollercoaster ride that you can't get off of.  This is so true for me.  My feelings for him are to the bone, and I can't imagine him not being in my life anymore.  Though we can and will be apart at times, I'm sure, as we have an open relationship, and we are both very free-independent-spirits, it's like the deal has been sealed! lol!

I very much like the way you understand and communicate your insights:-)

Nicholas "babylove"


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2011, 10:20:10 PM »
I'm sure others here will have a more definitive response, but I'll jump in and mention that your ET can be like a mirror of your deepest personal issues, so it's not always the most comfortable pairing. There can be an intensity involved that the average person might find daunting, and it wouldn't be surprising to see some ETs keep a wide berth when they can. Perhaps the connection is too much for him, and his indifference is really a defense mechanism, of sorts.


I can so validate this, Dave.  I have been one of those people who from an early age longed to find my "other half" or "twin-flame."  Careful what you wish for!

I usually prefer easy-going, low maintenance relationships so encountering my ET would probably freak me out of my mind, and you'd subsequently read somewhere that I had poured gasoline over my head and set myself on fire. ;)  

Seriously, my ET is currently incarnate but Michael said we had no plans to meet. I believe they said she lives somewhere in Eastern Europe.

I'm happy you found your other half, though. It sounds like it will be quite a journey for you.


Chiara DB

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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2011, 03:31:39 AM »
Chiara!!!  Button pushing, FOR REAL! LOL!  Viktor and I haven't lived together since Winter 2009, and I will be moving in with him and some other roomates later this year.  Sometimes I think to myself, "What are you doing? Are you CRAZY!!!" But it is also true what you said about once you start interacting with your ET that it can be like a rollercoaster ride that you can't get off of.  This is so true for me.  My feelings for him are to the bone, and I can't imagine him not being in my life anymore.  Though we can and will be apart at times, I'm sure, as we have an open relationship, and we are both very free-independent-spirits, it's like the deal has been sealed! lol!

I very much like the way you understand and communicate your insights:-)

Thanks Nicholas, I feel the same about you -- your writing is colorful and emotional - must be that Sage/Priest thing coming to bear!

It's so neat to talk to someone else who has their ET as a romantic partner -- it's such a singular and all-encompassing experience, and so hard to communicate to others! During our first 10 years or so we also had an open (more or less) relationship. Especially in the beginning, we actually needed to have at least a third person to kind of "ground" the insane energy that was generated between us but never seemed to be able to find a constructive place to go. I don't think we would have stuck together if we didn't have other relationships during that time, because the tension was so high and felt so immovable - yet we knew that something extremely good and right was at the heart of our connection and we had to keep time went on and we worked through our individual karma and thus were able to see each other more clearly (and not just as a reflective mirror of OMG EVERYTHING I HAVE LEARNED TO HATE/FEAR/RUN FAR FAR AWAY FROM IS DISPLAYED IN YOU), we found that outside relationships became more trouble than they were worth. Now, we're largely happy and harmonious, though we have our fights and disagreements like everyone else. And we're still open to having outside relationships, though our experience has shown that it's going to take an extremely special person or persons to make that work well - and under those conditions, it may well never even happen again, which would be fine too.

Anyway, I'm so happy you guys have also found a form that works for you, and that you are making it work to be able to have your ET in your life! That's just awesome :)


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Re: Essence Twins/Couldn't Care Less
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2011, 03:46:27 PM »
Chiara!!!  Button pushing, FOR REAL! LOL!  Viktor and I haven't lived together since Winter 2009, and I will be moving in with him and some other roomates later this year.  Sometimes I think to myself, "What are you doing? Are you CRAZY!!!" But it is also true what you said about once you start interacting with your ET that it can be like a rollercoaster ride that you can't get off of.  This is so true for me.  My feelings for him are to the bone, and I can't imagine him not being in my life anymore.  Though we can and will be apart at times, I'm sure, as we have an open relationship, and we are both very free-independent-spirits, it's like the deal has been sealed! lol!

I very much like the way you understand and communicate your insights:-)

Thanks Nicholas, I feel the same about you -- your writing is colorful and emotional - must be that Sage/Priest thing coming to bear!

It's so neat to talk to someone else who has their ET as a romantic partner -- it's such a singular and all-encompassing experience, and so hard to communicate to others! During our first 10 years or so we also had an open (more or less) relationship. Especially in the beginning, we actually needed to have at least a third person to kind of "ground" the insane energy that was generated between us but never seemed to be able to find a constructive place to go. I don't think we would have stuck together if we didn't have other relationships during that time, because the tension was so high and felt so immovable - yet we knew that something extremely good and right was at the heart of our connection and we had to keep time went on and we worked through our individual karma and thus were able to see each other more clearly (and not just as a reflective mirror of OMG EVERYTHING I HAVE LEARNED TO HATE/FEAR/RUN FAR FAR AWAY FROM IS DISPLAYED IN YOU), we found that outside relationships became more trouble than they were worth. Now, we're largely happy and harmonious, though we have our fights and disagreements like everyone else. And we're still open to having outside relationships, though our experience has shown that it's going to take an extremely special person or persons to make that work well - and under those conditions, it may well never even happen again, which would be fine too.

Anyway, I'm so happy you guys have also found a form that works for you, and that you are making it work to be able to have your ET in your life! That's just awesome :)

Oh, this IS neat!  It is very nice to be able to talk to another who is in a romantic relationship with their ET.  I feel the same way about it being hard to communicate it all to others, but you describe it perfectly-"all-encompasing!"  Things have gotten better since we both have validated this bond together and accepted it.  It will be quite an adventure, nonetheless!  We have never been on the same page in the sexual department, and that has been more frustrating for me than for him, as I am the one who was wanting it all the time, and he was the one who didn't appear to be as interested in it...with me at least!  lol!  So, that is something right there that I have always been bothered by, but it is getting better.  I hadn't thought about it the way you put it, but it makes complete sense having a 3rd person involved to dissipate some of the energy.  It is just intense, and it is like we are joined at the hip, for better or worse! Before we got back together, I decided that it would be better if we had separate bedrooms so that we can have our own spaces.  Seems like SPACE is even more important for an ET relationship than it is for relationships, in general.  But the OPEN part seems to be "just right" least for right now.  One thing that has also been hard for me in the relationship is that I have felt like I am the only one going through dramatic shifts and changes and constantly having to face my vulnerabilities and insecurities.  But I have a sneaking suspicion that he is, too-it's just that he's not that expressive about it as a SERVER.  Anywho…

And if you are interested, I can send you a channeling transcript from a session that was all about Viktor and I and essence twins in general.  Just send me your personal email, and I will send it to you.

Also, if you have any info about essence twins (and/or you and your partner), channeled or not, and wouldn't mind sharing, I'd love to read it.

Nicholas "babylove"
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 08:04:33 PM by Dave »