My husband is in Passion mode, and it generally means he completely throws himself into whatever it is he's doing or feeling. His normal "happy" or "angry" feelings are other people's "ecstatic, just saw God!!" or "relationship destroyed forever!!" It took me a long time to understand that his being angry at me doesn't mean he wants to banish me from his life (quite the opposite), even though if it were anyone else acting like that it certainly would! And his being excited about something new doesn't mean he's about to drop everything and take up that new thing, yelling "YEE HAW" along the way, even though that would be a reasonable assumption if he were someone else! I used to get all worried, being a pragmatist and instantly seeing all the impracticalities and getting upset at the thought of upsetting our lives, etc., but now I understand where he's coming from -- he just gets excited about possibilities, he's not presenting me with a fait accompli that I just have to accept on a wave of enthusiasm.
This does mean also that we've dealt with years of him being very excited about some new person, only to find out later they were all talk, and they would close up and run away as soon as it was time to produce the goods. I think Frieda Lawrence said the same thing about DH Lawrence -- "He thinks his new friends are great cathedrals, only to find out they are dirty little huts" or something to that effect. He's learned now not to get excited over people's social mirroring of his enthusiasm, because the fact is, almost no one is as enthusiastic, positive, and open as he is. This is very rough on him, but it's better for him to face reality than get continually smacked down by people who love his passion at first, then are annoyed by it when his Priest nature comes to bear, and he starts to see their blocks and lovingly and enthusiastically (and doggedly) encourages them to deal with them...LOL! Yeah, not many people are into that...
It's sometimes awkward to live with someone in Passion mode, because most people seem to kind of protect themselves from feeling and acting that way, so at times he seems out of place, and being a King, I'm very sensitive to that. On the other hand, I see how his openness and enthusiasm brings light and joy to everyone he meets, if they're open to it. I've seen people go from being grey and sad to open and bright, just by his giving their authentic selves a little bit of his Priest attention, with the enthusiasm and energy that his Passion mode brings. It's really one of my joys in life, to see him take someone who is running on automatic, totally ignore social conventions and acknowledge their subjectivity, and then see them bloom and come alive before my eyes, smiling and warm and, at least for a few minutes, transformed.
This is turning into a tribute to my wonderful husband, but he
is in Passion mode, so I think it counts!