Author Topic: Hands Across Technique  (Read 11483 times)

Vera Larson

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Hands Across Technique
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:08:10 AM »
Could someone explain what the hands across technique is and how it works?

John Roth

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Re: Hands Across Technique
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 04:09:22 AM »
Could someone explain what the hands across technique is and how it works?

The "hands across" technique is a way of getting out of the negative pole of an overleaf by working on the positive pole of the overleaf across the axis.

Let's say that one is in the negative pole of Idealist, which is Naivete. One way to work on that is to go to the positive pole of Skeptic, which is Investigation. The more you investigate as a routine matter, the less one will be caught up in naivete. Likewise, the more investigation, the more actual data one will have on the way to Coalescence.

For another example, let's say one is stuck in the negative pole of Spiritualist, which is Belief. One way out is the positive pole of Stoic, which is tranquility. Tranquility loosens the bonds of belief because it no longer matters as much what you, or anyone else, believes. Then it's possible to go to the positive pole, which is Verification.


John Roth