New to the Michael channel (though not the messages) I (pardon) am surprised at the need that so many supposedly advanced souls have to attach labels to their infinity and advertise it . Eg 'I am a 6th level mature soul, I have difficulty with..etc'.). Is it loneliness ?, confusion about identity?, hoping that this label will provide the answer since my last one 'a Libra' or a Sethite , or Woman or Caregiver or Father or Writer or whatever didnt 'give' me what I need ? . Or is it a desire for contact with others by letting it all hang out? (in which case for me it would have the opposite effect.) How many I's do we and society attach to ourselves and still we know it does not tell a millionth about what we really are (potential infinite souls). So for me (here I go again) , its more important to understand from within, ie develop intuition as to how to act, be , in a given situation . And since this depends on the moment there is no label which suffices.
$60 later, to know one is a third level whatever with such and such overleaves and chief features and other terms which I never read in the original Michael books makes no difference,might only be making someone else richer, and can be used as an excuse for not empathising , acting for the good and extending ones awareness.
kenneth Margo, when I publish my overleaves on sites such as this one, I do so because I enjoy checking out overleaves of others and I let others do the same. I do not do it as an advert for anything, expression of loneliness, or the other things you mention.
I enjoy Michael Teachings and learning about the Overleaves system and I attempt and strive (don't always succeed) to use it as means of understanding myself and others. As I progress in the study of it and learning what each overleaf means, where better to get a practise in this then observing it in people and then checking out my perception agains the channeling they have got? I have a long way to go to get good at this, but I can now spot couple of overleaves quite well and guess a Role, Casting or ET Role somewhere in the mixture in about 50% of cases. The overleaves that others publish allow me to check against - they provide study material in short. So I provide mine. That is my reason.
I certainly did not get my overleaves with the intention to publish them, but as another way to get myself better. But I do understand why someone would have a rant about labels. But then - everything is a label if you wish to perceive it that way and you can find many for each and every one of us, some that we would wear proudly, some that get hidden very deep inside. Michael did not provide overleaves for that use.
I am getting a little tired of people treating Yarbro books as a Bible and all that comes after as invalid. Yarbro is excellent, but it is basic, especially with all the editing done to the material that came through. The fact that she claims that "her" group or "her" channels are the only "real" ones or whatever, certainly does not make it true. I did not even
get that vibe from these claims. What I got was - there is a lot of crap out there. Well sure, but leave it upto me to tell for myself. I can do so.
Channels getting richer? I seriously doubt you can get rich from channeling for money.
Soul evolution is about being beyond the I
Soul evolution is
via experiences. That includes all experiences. Evolving beyond fragmentation happens on the way, and then we Fragment again. And then we reintegrate again. Over and over again. All of it is a valid part.
The point I'm trying to get across here is that "losing the 'I'" or "losing the ego" is not, and let me repeat that, NOT a goal of the Michael Teaching. It belongs to other paths.
Well I cannot recall of the top of my head how much of it has made it into Yarbro books, but TOMG channeling included a lot on the topic of individuality being an illusion, separateness being an illusion etc. It does not come off this strongly from other Michael materials I have come across so far, but it does permeate in gentle way through it in my opinion. The very word Fragment seems to have been chosen to show us and lead us to this understanding.
Michael also gives us exercises that help to transcend the feeling of separateness temporarily and at least one of those has made it into a Yarbro book (the one with experiencing the sun rays as various living things outside our selves).
Ego is a problematic word, because it is not used consistently. Mostly people use it to describe what Michael would call False Personality. But Michael would not call that "ego". Semantics aside, when used in the sense of "False Personality", yes I would say that fundamental part of the teaching is evolving towards positive poles, i.e. Wholeness, i.e. beyond False Personality.