Author Topic: Michael For The Millenium  (Read 13577 times)


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    • Michael Teachings
Michael For The Millenium
« on: July 29, 2011, 08:47:56 AM »
With all the so-called negativity about Yarbro's "Michael for the Millenium," out
of curiosity I re-read passages from it earlier this week and, rather surprisingly,
found it quite interesting.

The obvious difference between MFTM and the other Yarbro books is that it
doesn't present any core MT material. MFTM is mostly just chapters containing Q
& A on various topics, such as the environment, overpopulation, and so forth.
But Michael's answers seem well-reasoned and instructive. I enjoyed the

I would still recommend the earlier Yarbro books before suggesting MFTM, but I
think it's a worthy read as a supplement to the existing material.

And with all due respect to Troy's channeling, I'm not convinced that Yarbro
faked the chapter on the seven roles and their progression through the soul
ages. We have no proof of that and it's really just hearsay at the moment. Sure,
I guess it's possible, but the idea of concurrents doesn't necessarily negate
the authenticity of that chapter. The total lifetimes (including any
concurrents) could still be described in a linear fashion. I see no argument in
that. And after all, even though time is simultaneous in other realms, when
physical we do follow a linear timeline. It's part of our evolutionary process.

Like her not, I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that Yarbro's material
is still the most remarkable Michael channeling we have yet to see. We owe her
and her channels a great deal of admiration. I sometimes forget just how good
the channeling was in the MFM books till I revisit the material. It's always a



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Re: Michael For The Millenium
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 04:38:56 PM »
The obvious difference between MFTM and the other Yarbro books is that it
doesn't present any core MT material. MFTM is mostly just chapters containing Q
& A on various topics, such as the environment, overpopulation, and so forth.
But Michael's answers seem well-reasoned and instructive. I enjoyed the

I believe this is a lot of why people have a different opinion of the book.  The first three felt so dense with information that people would tend to expect the fourth to fall into the same vein.

Myself, I didn't really get the focus on "ikons," and I have to admit I started flipping pages quickly during the full detail of incarnations for each of the roles.  I agree that the material regarding the environment and overpopulation was interesting, and understand from my own experiences that much of the time it comes down to possibilities for the future - but even so, I'd have appreciated some more detail regarding said possibilities.  In all fairness, this is likely the junior eschatologist in me.

I don't know that I'm familiar with Troy's channeling, so I can't speak to that, but I do agree (with no offense to any other Michael channel) that Yarbro's group's focus and dedication to the process laid an excellent foundation to build upon.


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Re: Michael For The Millenium
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 03:40:14 AM »
Personally I found the ikon information quite interesting and worthwhile. I've never understood why the book gets such a bad rap. I'm not suggesting not to look at all of the Yarbro material critically, on the contrary. Perhaps because it's too "real world"? I don't know.