The Seven Roles > King

Magnetic Kings

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Chiara DB:
For real, Elisa! Sometimes I'm sure I have that negative magnet, especially online in Michael communities, haha!

I read something online in the Michael teacdhings that seemed to indicate that any role could be magnetic in the 6th old.  Comments?

Chiara DB:
The whole concept seems like a vague piece of unvalidatable trivia to me. If someone feels like a Magnetic King and/or Some Other Role, I hope they have fun with it but I don't see why it matters much to anyone other than that person.

Here's what the teachings say (in part):

The entire concept of Kingdoms is based on a VOLUNTARY organization that evolves from a shared realization gained through individual experiences from across several lifetimes and the cohesion to act as a group in implementing a realization.

In highly simplistic explanation: Across your own lifetimes your Personalities and Essence may have noted on several occasions about an experience within the physical plane that you have decided “would be great” if it could be implemented. Eventually a fragment will “announce” to the Energy Ring that it is intending to focus on a specific implementation over time and fragments then “sign up” to be a part of that shared experience of implementation. Fragments who take on the task of leading a Kingdom take several lifetimes to “set the stage” for the eventual emphasis of that Kingdom.

Not all fragments will choose to be a part of a Kingdom. As we said, it is entirely voluntary and simply a means of gaining experience in yet another specific way.

John Roth:

--- Quote from: Betty on August 21, 2011, 10:24:16 PM ---I read something online in the Michael teacdhings that seemed to indicate that any role could be magnetic in the 6th old.  Comments?

--- End quote ---

I wouldn't be all that surprised to find that Sages have Audiences and Priests have Congregations in the same way that Kings have Kingdoms. If so, it seems entirely reasonable that most of the people in a Sage's Audience or the people in a Priest's Congregation could get together for one final huge gathering during the 6th level old.

The other roles? Doubt it. They don't tend to have natural leadership characteristics around which large groups of the same people cluster, lifetime after lifetime.

Would a Magnetic Old Glutton attract refrigerator doors?


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