Author Topic: possible infant soul?  (Read 7547 times)


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possible infant soul?
« on: May 30, 2011, 09:58:09 AM »
I work with a really interesting guy and I think he may be an infant. he's in his late 50's and never moved away from home
except for 1 year in the early 90's when he married a woman who basically used him and took him for a ride.
when I first started at the place I work everyone warned me about him. he is obviously weird....but everyone else is a baby
anyway so they think everyone is weird. but he's actually quite eccentric and idiosyncratic. he's a very intelligent guy from a small town and is
considered nearly a genius by IQ standards. but when you talk with him it becomes obvious he isnt really smart at all. he is very scholarly and almost an idiot savant in that he remembers minor facts and dates in history to high degree but that's about all. he lacks practical application of information. he cannot put 2 and 2 together figuritively.

he has noted poor impulse control and it has gotten him fired from previous jobs on more than one occasion. he was a security
guard and one of his duties was to patrol on a golf cart. one day an black gentleman asked for a ride and the he told him
to sit in the back since he's used to it. when he was reported he was completely flabbergasted as to what the problem was.
chalked it up to excessive political correctness. this is one of many, many examples. a pattern of this sort of narcissitic

he is obviously a sage cast scholar. everyday I have to listen to him go on an hour long monologue that starts out with the weather
and ends in the evolution of surnames in patagonia. and always in there somewhere is his entire life history.

I first considered him to have asperger's or frontal lobe damage from a car wreck in the 70's he had. but after 2 years of hearing his stories I realize it cannot be brain damage as he has always been like this. he has no problem making eye contact and is actually quite (nay obnoxiously) outgoing. so I doubt any level of autism. he comes from the classic 'father is emotionally distant, extremely controlling
and manipulative and mother is a total neurotic push-over scared of the world.' both of them sound like typical babies. wouldnt let him go to
college because they didnt want everyone thinking their son thought he was better than them.

while he displays a clear mental dissonance and ultra-conformist attitude, he has no problem discussing his emotions or a rejection for certain traditional memes. he has somewhat of a disdain for religion, or so he says. he is a rabid conservative politically and considers the teaparty too liberal for him. despite talking about his emotions easily, he displays a significant lack of self-awareness, forethought and introspection especially in decision making. while he can talk at length about ancient greece,
he can cross the street and get hit by a car from sheer unawareness.

he is an unambiguous horder. he regularly buys old 53' semi-trailers and fills them up with junk to keep on his compound in the sticks. he doesn't understand peoplesmotives well and is often confused by others behaviour. he misses the point of many if not most things but will tell the most nerdiest of esoteric puns. he is in a hamm radio club and is really into that. he like to go to electric and telephone co-op meatings to the point he takes pride that he participates in such mundane, small town practices. he involves himself in small town politics although he hasn't the sophistication to participate himself.

often times at work he leaves an hour or two late because he is on one of his monologues. after he leaves his mother will call asking where he is. (remember he's almost 60 years old) and when I inform about it he literally throws a childish tantrum about it and proclaims he hates his mother for being so a teenager.

he has no interest in philosophy, spirituality, art, culture, food, etc, etc. he's interested in history and buying useless junk at rumage sales and that's about the extent of it. so he's materliastic in that sense but not really dogmatic. he is an very opinionated right-wing blowhard if you want to consider that dogmatic though.

this is a random collection of anecdotes and observations because frankly I'm confused about it. I understand it is hard to conceptualize from an internet post but the guy is all over the map and I think his scholar attitude (always reading something) kind of trips me up. I'm thinking probably very early baby at the most because being his age I find it hard to imagine he still retains that much imprinting.

anyway, Dave asked for more topics so here it is  ;D
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 10:19:11 AM by ped »


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Re: possible infant soul?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2011, 10:43:45 AM »
I don't know, but I am not getting an impression of an Infant soul from this. More like an maladjusted Baby.