Author Topic: Dave's Life Between Lives Session - Part Three  (Read 8039 times)


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Dave's Life Between Lives Session - Part Three
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:49:41 PM »
Notes from Dave's BLSR Session on 4.29.2011 with Gloria Constantin as

In this past life, Dave (now known as Samuel) finds himself in his former place
of business. He believes he is a watchmaker and watch repairman. He has a small
shop on a dark street lined with other shops. The streets are narrow and paved
with cobblestones. The street is on a hill. It is a very old street. At the
back of the shop is his work area with a number of tables. He makes and repairs
the type of watch that is worn on vests or lapels. There are also a number of
partially constructed cuckoo clocks. He senses these are a specialty of his and
he is very fond of them. There are grandfather clocks in the shop, as well.

Samuel wears a magnifying glass over one eye to assist him with manipulating the
tiny, delicate machinery involved with his craft. He notes that he has long,
thin fingers. He senses that his eyes are blue-gray.

Samuel is very meticulous; very precise. He aims for perfection in his custom
pieces. He is considered by his customers to be a fine craftsman. His father
taught him the craft, but Samuel created the shop. There is a deep satisfaction
in creating things of his unique design. He believes his designs are far
superior both mechanically and artistically. He works long hours. Dave observes
that there are no flaws in Samuel's "machinery." His overall way of being is
geared towards highly articulated precision. He has detailed schematic drawings
of his designs and these are strewn about his workshop. Nothing is left to

It looks like Samuel is a bachelor focused solely on his work.

In the next scene, Samuel finds himself in an over crowded area of town, but it
appears to be gated, that is, separate from the rest of the community. It's a
residential area that appears to not only be segregated, but guarded as well.
Samuel has been moved there from his shop. The segregated part of town is
densely populated. Many people live together in small apartments. The streets
(which look more like alleys) are filthy, and there is poor sanitation. Stale
water is pooling in the gutters. The children playing in the streets are dirty,
as is their clothing. People are allowed to come and go on a limited basis.
Samuel believes this "ghetto," as he has identified it, is in the same town that
he lives in.

Samuel is feeling despondent and lost. He has been forcibly cut off from his
life, and is living hand-to-mouth. Supplies are delivered to the ghetto, but
they are not sufficient to take care of everyone. People are becoming ill.

There appears to be an uprising. Samuel sees a huge crowd of the ghetto people
rushing the gate. Soldiers are trying to hold back the angry crowd which has
broken out through the gates. There is fighting - the crowd is throwing itself
at the soldiers who guard the gates. Samuel has not joined the crowd; he is
watching. There is chaos - but trucks of soldiers are arriving now. The
soldiers are now shooting into the crowd and throwing what appears to be rounded
objects that are releasing smoke or gas. Bodies are now piling on the narrow

** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Samuel has died and is moving away from his body. He is not angry or sad --
instead he feels more of a deep, utterly profound sense of nothingness.

Facilitator wonders if Samuel would be willing to ask for the assistance of a
guide who can help him make a shift at this point - either out of his pain or
out of consciousness altogether.

The Emissary Guide (the giant robed figure) appears. This Guide is now drawing
in Samuel's energy and absorbing it into himself.

Facilitator observes that the Guide seems to be engaging in an act of healing
Samuel. Dave feels that Samuel's energy is being reconfigured or reformed.

The three guides that have shown up in Dave's two previously explored
end-of-life scenarios have appeared. They are concerned about Samuel.

Facilitator: Do these three guides appear to be your soul's primary guides?

Dave: They seem to be the guides for a particular series or cluster of

Facilitator: And are these lifetimes thematically related?

Dave: They could be. I don't think these three are traditional guides - they
seem to be associated with overseeing the larger picture [of the soul's

Dave senses that there are other beings around who are observing.

Facilitator: Could these beings who are observing be members of Samuel's soul

Dave: I can't tell.

Facilitator: Is Samuel still being reconfigured?

Dave: Samuel is now standing in front of The Robe (a/k/a Emissary Guide), and
The Robe is now showering him with light.

Facilitator: How is Samuel feeling now?

Dave: He seems numb. He is still in the healing process.

Facilitator: Are you receiving any communications from The Robe?

Facilitator: How does your Guide, The Robe, feel about your performance in the
life as Samuel?

Guide, through Dave: Samuel was exceptional in his ability to deal with a
traumatic series of events that would normally be considered untenable by even
the hardiest of souls. The intensity of the experience, however, had a
short-circuiting effect on what this soul could handle on an emotional level.
This resulted in a desire to achieve total numbness.

Facilitator: Is the Emissary Guide able to give us any insights into the goals
that Samuel had established for the life and if he was able to meet them?

Guide (through Dave): The goal was not for Samuel's life to end in the most
heinous way imaginable. The goal was to live a simple life after a series of
unusually difficult previous lifetimes and to allow an outlet for creative
expression without exposing himself to the constant demands of an exceptionally
busy life. Being caught, however, in a system where the seeds of hatred are used
to overpower the sincere and otherwise cooperative intentions of a greater
community, is something that cannot always be avoided. Even with the most
careful planning, paths in life may be unforeseeably altered. This is all part
of the general experience.

Facilitator: I understand that guides are not all-seeing and all-knowing. Are
they, nonetheless, active in guiding the life from the moment of birth to the
moment of death?

Guide: There is always involvement; there is always guidance available to those
who wish to receive it, but even the best guidance is of little merit when there
are so many active forces in place to thwart it.

Facilitator: So why even try? It seems like such a crap shoot.

Guide: Good intentions are always better than no intentions at all, and even the
smallest endeavor, that is, the most miniscule attempt to find the positive in
an otherwise bleak experience, is a step forward on the path.

Facilitator: Do all souls benefit from the acts of one soul who bravely moves

Guide: A soul that moves forward creates ripples that benefit everyone.

Facilitator: That's heartening. Is it possible for the Emissary Guide to take
Dave to meet his soul group?

Guide: Dave has friends that are around him at all times but they tend to stay
out of the way when he is engaged in business with his guides.

Facilitator: Is Dave done with his business now so that he can meet his soul

Guide: The soul group is always present. It is not something that you are
displaced from or suddenly disconnected from. There is a constant resonance
between members of your soul group that creates a link that is continual. It is
similar in theory to a musical tone that reverberates as a single note in the
background. Although your focus may shift to other matters from time to time,
this perpetual tone is always present.

Facilitator: How many members are there in Dave's primary soul group?

Guide: This idea of primary is somewhat misleading in that there are layers of
connecting groups (or resonances) that are around a soul at any time. Each group
or resonance represents multiple functions. There is not just one group; there
are interconnecting layers of groups. These serve multiple functions similar to
the cells in a body.

Facilitator: Thank you. We are interested in understanding the nature of primary
soul groups. Would the same concepts apply to the idea of primary soul mates?

Guide: Soul mates are another misnomer. There are souls that may be thematically
linked in what may seem like a disjointed series of lives, but these souls,
because of their thematic resonance, will tend to appear and form similar duties
in that lifetime. There are also souls that by their shared proximity in a
lifetime may give the appearance of being soul mates simply due to being in the
advantageous position of meeting current life demands.

Facilitator: Despite this, are there some souls that Dave is especially fond of
and enjoys incarnating with?

Guide: There will always be souls of similar resonance; that is, souls who when
in close proximity, tend to enhance this resonance.

Facilitator: I was wondering if the Guide could comment on what it is that
thematically links souls.

Guide: Souls are thematically linked when the resonance they create together in
one lifetime directly resonates to similar connections in other lifetimes.
Thematic resonance may also be revealed when there are certain truths that are
in alignment.

Facilitator: And these truths are truths of the individual souls?

Guide: These truths act as a container in which all experiences in a lifetime
are connected. It is the organic thread that helps to make sense of the
experiences you encounter.

Facilitator: We have a question regarding the purpose of the selection of the
current body for the lifetime as Dave. Why was this particular body chosen?

Guide: The current body was chosen specifically for its inclination to avoid an
active lifestyle and to ensure more states of relaxation.


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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session - Part Three
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2011, 07:42:57 AM »
What a session!  Was this by any chance in Warsaw?



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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session - Part Three
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 12:17:13 AM »
It certainly sounds like Warsaw but there were a number of ghettos in Poland that had uprisings, so take your pick. Warsaw would be a likely guess, but I don't know for sure. I should have asked for more specifics.



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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session - Part Three
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 06:46:05 AM »
How would a life like this effect your current life?