This is all theoretical, but it has been conjectured that an entity has three sides, with each side corresponding to the three axes: inspiration, expression, and action. In other words, truth, love, or beauty (sometimes called energy).
Deciding how this all works with the various casting systems -- for instance, JP's and Yarbro's -- has resulted in a bit of a muddle at times. Students in various camps have argued about it for awhile, but the dust is finally settling now and it's become apparent that Yarbro's casting and JP's casting are not synonymous. Yarbro's casting pertains to how the soul is cast from the Tao, and JP's casting (which is based on raw numbers) concerns how the entity chooses to work together on the physical plane. In other words, when she uses the term casting, she doesn't mean your actual soul casting. It's something different altogether. There's integrity in both of the systems, however, and they both serve a specific purpose. Some channels, though, are mixing the two systems together as if they were the same, and this is creating both confusion and potentially mixed results.
I'm not entirely sure how this alters the purpose of the entity sides when contrasted between the two casting systems. It doesn't look like they are completely in alignment, and that may inevitably change our definitions of the terms. Once again, though, does any of this matter that much in the grand scheme, and will it help us on our journey toward becoming more loving and compassionate souls? Probably not.
