I received my chart last night, done by Shepherd Hoodwin, and much faster than I expected! The following is what I wrote a few days ago, which disappeared when the server went down, and I didn’t replace it:
“Okay, after talking to forum people, reading this site, other sites, some of the Yahoo list, and a couple books, plus having some insights about myself, my best guess for Role is Sage, since I see it manifesting more than other Roles throughout much of my life. Maybe my Role will be something different and Sage is the Casting, so I'll see what my Michael Chart says. Thanks for helping, everyone!

” It turns out I was right, which I was very happy to hear!
The following is what my chart says, and since I’ve spent 2-3 weeks researching Roles, I’m not sure what all the other categories mean. “The Michael Handbook,” by Jose Stevens, arrived a couple days ago so I skimmed ahead to get some clues. I can see already that it’s going to take some study to understand the chart fully. If anything looks weird in the chart, it’s likely that I didn’t understand what I was typing, so maybe someone can say something.
Role: Sage
Essence Twin: Priest, Discarnate
Cadence Position: 6
Cadence: 1
Greater Cadence: 4
Position Resonates With: Priest (“Honorary Priest”)
Cadre/Entity: 9/7, Love/Beauty Side
Task Companion: Sage, Discarnate
Male/Female Energy: 48/52
Frequency: 47
Previous Cycles: 10
Needs: Expansion, Adventure, Expression
Life Quadrant: Power
Goal: Dominance
Attitude: Spiritualist
Mode: Observation
Center: Intellectual, Moving Part
Chief Obstacle: Impatience
Body Type: Saturnian, Secondary Mercurial
Soul Age: 6th Level Mature
Manifesting: 3rd Level Mature
Of the categories I understand, the only one I'm not sure about is Frequency 47 - I wonder if it should be a little faster, but it’s hard to say. Parts of my life have always been high frequently, and others lower. Some categories, such as Cadence and Cadre, I’m taking as being accurate. I thought I might be 5th Entity and have a need for Freedom, but what shows up in the chart also fits. Overall, the chart is amazingly accurate with regard to every category I understand, and Soul Age and Manifesting Soul Age both explain exactly what’s been going on in my life. So I’m very pleased with Shepherd’s reading. It’s also given me a direction to go for my growth.
If anyone has comments on anything in the chart, please feel free to post!
Edit: What is Casting? Would that be Cadence Position, in my case 6/Priest?