I had a bit of a tussle on another list about the nature of the Akashic Records, so I suspect a review of what that has to do with channeling about current events might be in order.
Basically, Michael's information source is the Akashic records, and that is a record of everyone's experience of reality. It's not the underlying reality itself. The example everyone uses is that of the multiple witnesses to a traffic accident.
If you try to apply that to current events, whether you're talking about the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, the Katrina earthquake or 9/11, that's all that exists. On top of that, you've got people with strong opinions of the event to the level that they think they know what's going on, real delusions that could be read as experience of reality and any number of other phenomena.
On top of that, there's the question of what a questioner actually wants to know about something that happened half a world away and is being currently reported, probably with a huge amount of distortion and through various ideological lenses.
I'm not at all surprised that a response would be muddled. I'm put in mind of a question someone is reported to have asked one of the old Robber Barons: what he knew of market fluctuations. After a moment to think, he replied: "The market ... fluctuates."
John Roth