Author Topic: Influence of Entity?  (Read 6586 times)

Chiara DB

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Influence of Entity?
« on: May 14, 2011, 12:20:14 AM »
I'm a Server-Cast King with a Priest ET, but I notice I have some very Artisan-y qualities. I get great pleasure from creating things of physical beauty. I'm especially fascinated and satisfied by bringing things from one form into another one - for instance, I love baking, because you take all these individual ingredients, combine them into some kind of paste and they end up being a solid with an utterly new texture. Then you take that new thing and you can make it look, feel and taste beautiful and perfect using other things that start out as a bunch of disparate ingredients but become something new (i.e., frostings and candies).

I also get a lot of satisfaction from building furniture ( you know, like from IKEA)  especially trying to make it as perfect as possible. As far as creating things from scratch, I recently built a miniature (12") Tardis (If you're a Doctor Who fan you know what I'm talking about) out of craft wood from a plan I found online. I'm a good photographer and home decorator as well -- basically, if it's aesthetic, I pretty much know what to do with it.

Anyway, during a guided visualization with Ted Fontaine many years ago, I figured out that I was in the Artisan Entity, or the entity that has the number of the Artisan. Does that make any sense to anyone? I have never been able to wrap my head around all the cadre/entity stuff. Could that be the source of my Artisan-like pleasure in working with form?


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Re: Influence of Entity?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 01:06:23 AM »
I'm a Server-Cast King with a Priest ET, but I notice I have some very Artisan-y qualities. I get great pleasure from creating things of physical beauty. I'm especially fascinated and satisfied by bringing things from one form into another one - for instance, I love baking, because you take all these individual ingredients, combine them into some kind of paste and they end up being a solid with an utterly new texture. Then you take that new thing and you can make it look, feel and taste beautiful and perfect using other things that start out as a bunch of disparate ingredients but become something new (i.e., frostings and candies).

What you describe could also be seen as inspirational, which is in alignment with the Priestly influence of your ET. There are many Priests involved in creative professions, such as writers, composers, actors, and so on. And in the above paragraph you have an interesting juxtaposition of perfection/beauty, which could describe King/Priest traits. 

Look within and see if you can determine if this creative side you see is actually about inspiration. Singing opera, for instance, is incredibly inspirational.

I also get a lot of satisfaction from building furniture ( you know, like from IKEA)  especially trying to make it as perfect as possible. As far as creating things from scratch, I recently built a miniature (12") Tardis (If you're a Doctor Who fan you know what I'm talking about) out of craft wood from a plan I found online. I'm a good photographer and home decorator as well -- basically, if it's aesthetic, I pretty much know what to do with it. 

Any role can be creative. I know several Kings, for example, that possess finely-tuned aesthetic gifts. Since Kings naturally strive toward perfection, I think they develop greater sophistication in areas that other roles might ignore. I'm not saying you don't have an Artisan influence somewhere (secondary casting perhaps?) but it could be that your innate King/Priest traits, coupled with past life interests and experiences, might be flavoring your talents.

I'm not discounting the influence of your entity, but I would consider it minor when compared to everything else.


Chiara DB

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Re: Influence of Entity?
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 02:36:07 AM »
Thanks Dave -- very good points all. I don't know anything about secondary casting -- is there information about that on the site?


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Re: Influence of Entity?
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2011, 03:34:55 AM »
Try this:

My numbers from Shepherd are 5/7/1, which gives me a secondary King casting influence. Other channels sometimes place their casting numbers in a different order, so cross-comparing may lead to confusion.

I don't think Ted was channeling casting numbers, so you may not have them if he was your first channel.

And there's always the chance that perhaps something in your chart was off. Maybe you really have Artisan casting? Though, I've always found Ted's charts to be excellent.
