Author Topic: Manifesting  (Read 13400 times)


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« on: April 11, 2011, 09:14:29 PM »
I'm confused about this manifesting bit. If you're manifesting younger than your actual soul age, does that mean you've regressed? Why would that happen?

Gordon Murray

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 04:44:03 AM »
Most of us, most of the time, manifest a Soul Age less than our "official" one.  This can be a slight amount less (perhaps one Level) or it can be a very great deal less (perhaps 2-3 complete Ages).  There are about as many reasons for this as there are fragments doing it, which may be as high as 6 billion. 

In all cases, it is done for a good reason, although that reason is unlikely to be comprehended by the fragment.  Sometimes, the purpose is one by Essence (perhaps that there was something much earlier in this life that was left unfinished and needs to be completed before moving on) and sometimes it is a move by Personality (sensing that the current situation would be better dealt with as a Young Soul than as an Old Soul).  Neither of these may turn out to be the optimum manner of dealing with the immediate situation, but both Essence and Personality always operate in the fashion that they perceive as optimum in the situation as they perceive it (these perceptions often will look rather silly in retrospect, but they always make apparent sense at the time.

I am a 7th Level Old Soul, but I have often been able to look back and see that I was operating in a Young Soul Mode in a particular situation, and it was, probably, optimum for the situation.


John Roth

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 03:21:35 PM »
I'm confused about this manifesting bit. If you're manifesting younger than your actual soul age, does that mean you've regressed? Why would that happen?

To expand on Gordon's reply a bit: everyone starts out at Infant as a baby, and gradually goes through the soul ages as they grow up, either until they get stuck or they reach where they left off in their previous lifetimes.

In this culture, men have a tendency to get stuck at Young and women at Mature. That's just cultural imprinting. In many ways it's easier for an Old soul to manifest as Young in this culture. They're both individualistic although in different ways, and for many life plans it doesn't make a huge amount of difference.

Regression, in the sense of something that's gotten lost, doesn't happen. Everything gets stored in the repository for later lifetimes to use, but not all of it gets used in any particular lifetime.


John Roth


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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2011, 04:31:43 PM »
During channeling, I discovered I was a first-level old server manifesting at 4th-level mature.  I had it explained to me this way:  Suppose you are 18 years old, but you've been held back in school, so you're only in the tenth grade.  You experience your actual age (18), but you also experience being in tenth grade, learning tenth-grade lessons.

In my case, it is because it is easier to deal with what I need to deal with.

Hope this helps.

Gordon Murray

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2011, 06:44:44 PM »
A good simile, Betty.  To expand on it a bit - when many young people of today get to college, they find out that they lack a significant amount of the information that is needed in order to do some of their college-level work.  Thus, they have to do some remedial work in one or more subjects, but, after this remedial work, they will be able to do the college-level work that they want (and need).

This is comparable to someone who is 3rd Level Old having to repeat a lesson that they did as a 1st Level Mature because they really did not adequately learn that lesson - but, if the lesson situation is really only appropriate to be done with the perspective of a 1st Level Mature Soul, the fragment has to operate with that perspective.

When thinking of Soul Age, it is always useful to consider it as the primary perceptiveness from which we see the Universe and our place in it - something that can vary widely as the situation within which we find ourselves varies.



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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 06:04:10 PM »
This is an interesting topic for me. I have been identified as 2nd old manifesting as 6th young. I'm in my 50s so I begin to doubt that I will grow out of it! I wonder why the big difference, but have considered that it may be necessary for my purpose. I am stoic in power mode with a goal of dominance. My initial Michael reading said:

This Fragment, who is a second cast Fragment as well as an Artisan is strongly tied to the Expression Polarity and as a result, often chooses Overleaves with less “redundancy” than is presently the case, as a way to get “outside the box”. 

(Note: I was delighted with the "outside the box" comment.)

Is it possible that there is something about the 6th young view of life that lends itself to my overleaves? Or do I need to admit that I'm seriously out of sync?  :D


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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2011, 10:53:38 PM »
This is a good question. The explanations given here both make sense to me as well as sound like something Michael told me. When I got my overleaves channeled, I was told I occasionally slide into 5th Mature (I am 3rd Old), with this comment:
When the nature of enterprise and versatility (poles of the 3rd level) appear daunting you slide back to the Mature 5th level in which you recall being mistress/master of who you were and how to go about it.
(I have no idea why would I feel that way about that particular level, but it is one of the things I intend to ask about at some point.) All I can say now is that I can Validate that I do Manifest somewhere between Mature and Old. Occasionally there is a pressure on me to behave like a Young, to which I internally respond as "I can't be bothered". That is now. I certainly had a period in my life (adolescence) when I was clearly into Young paradigm (but at the same time I was into "Old stuff"). I think physical age has to do a lot with Manifested Soul Age. Looking back, I can see how as a young adult I have then became concerned with "Mature stuff", and even have put all that interested in Esoterics etc on hold in order to concentrate on family and my Mature husband. When I moved, rather painfully, into my 4th IM, that all changed, and my Oldness came back.

jerky, as for Manifesting Young, I have seen somebody who is in actuality Old, been channelled as manifesting anything from Young through to Old. The way I understand it, its more about sliding, although I suppose there might be people who manifest the younger age all the time. Can you validate it yourself? Like in what way do you manifest the Young age? Do you not think you manifest Old at certain times? Like hanging out at this forum does not seem very Young to me.

John Roth

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2011, 11:48:40 PM »
This is an interesting topic for me. I have been identified as 2nd old manifesting as 6th young. I'm in my 50s so I begin to doubt that I will grow out of it! I wonder why the big difference, but have considered that it may be necessary for my purpose. I am stoic in power mode with a goal of dominance. My initial Michael reading said:

This Fragment, who is a second cast Fragment as well as an Artisan is strongly tied to the Expression Polarity and as a result, often chooses Overleaves with less “redundancy” than is presently the case, as a way to get “outside the box”. 

(Note: I was delighted with the "outside the box" comment.)

Is it possible that there is something about the 6th young view of life that lends itself to my overleaves? Or do I need to admit that I'm seriously out of sync?  :D

6th Young would make you consistent with the dominant soul age on the planet. This might be a good way of going about it if Essence wanted to get a feeling for the current culture and level of spiritual evolution.

John Roth


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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 02:10:48 PM »
I certainly had a period in my life (adolescence) when I was clearly into Young paradigm (but at the same time I was into "Old stuff"). I think physical age has to do a lot with Manifested Soul Age. Looking back, I can see how as a young adult I have then became concerned with "Mature stuff", and even have put all that interested in Esoterics etc on hold in order to concentrate on family and my Mature husband. When I moved, rather painfully, into my 4th IM, that all changed, and my Oldness came back.

jerky, as for Manifesting Young, I have seen somebody who is in actuality Old, been channelled as manifesting anything from Young through to Old. The way I understand it, its more about sliding, although I suppose there might be people who manifest the younger age all the time. Can you validate it yourself? Like in what way do you manifest the Young age? Do you not think you manifest Old at certain times? Like hanging out at this forum does not seem very Young to me.

Jk, Like you I've been into "old stuff" since adolescence. A high school teacher inadvertently introduced Edgar Cayce and the concept of reincarnation to me, and it immediately felt absolutely right to me. I was raised in a fairly liberal Protestant church but my outlook changed so dramatically that I stopped going to church in my late teens because I could tell I was only upsetting classmates. (They were appalled when I suggested one of the apostles might have been martyred for a karmic reason.)

I first read MFM in the early 80s and completely bought into it. Then I got married, and my ex-husband was Young, so perhaps I kept manifesting Young for the duration of our marriage, but I don't think the way I handled the end of our marriage was Young at all. (I read up on the divorce process, refused to go to court and convinced my ex to negotiate a mediated agreement.)

Now that my children are grown and I'm free to do and be whatever I like in my spare time, I really don't think Young, but I still work at a job that is filled with Young politics, so perhaps I'm just fitting in. I do also have a life task reading from Michael:

The Life Task here has to do with validating the interaction of what might be called social truths with individual Experiential Differentiation as well as Differentiated Experiential Differentiation

(The medium said that this means that not only do no two individuals have the same experience of events, but that repeated events are never the same for one individual.)

This task is hard to comprehend, but I've experienced time periods where I think I was actively working on this, and it makes me think that manifesting Young might be a way of collecting the info I need.