The Seven Roles > Server


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Hey JK,

I remember the mention of another Entity with different terminology too, and they weren't referring to Seth.  I can't for the life of me remember the name.  - J

What ever happened to "Re-Evaluation" instead of "Flow"?  Seemed a less flaccid choice.

- theDalphe

John Roth:

--- Quote from: Jondalf on May 06, 2011, 12:31:43 AM ---Hey JK,

I remember the mention of another Entity with different terminology too, and they weren't referring to Seth.  I can't for the life of me remember the name.  - J

- theDalphe

--- End quote ---



John Roth

WOW - thank you - I feel less anxious hearing that.  - John

In the original transcripts,  a student said he or she had trouble with the term "Slave."  The response from Michael was something along the order of  "Would Server be preferable?"


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