Author Topic: Country Soul Age  (Read 8008 times)


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Country Soul Age
« on: April 16, 2011, 12:07:05 PM »
I am interested to know if Michael explains how a country obtains its soul age.  Is it due to older souls primarily incarnating in a particular country?  Also, has Michael said if newer/younger souls are attracted to older country souls.  Thanks.

John Roth

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Re: Country Soul Age
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 09:54:03 PM »
I am interested to know if Michael explains how a country obtains its soul age.  Is it due to older souls primarily incarnating in a particular country?  Also, has Michael said if newer/younger souls are attracted to older country souls.  Thanks.


To expand a bit: many Essences tend to stick with the same society, or with a small group of societies, simply because the background feels familiar from lifetime to lifetime. Over time, that society will age simply because the Essences incarnating in it age, and it'll change its fundamental assumptions to support older and older soul ages as it does.

No, younger Essences are not attracted to Older soul countries, unless they feel they need a crash course to speed up their own evolution. An Essence will usually incarnate in a culture that has an appropriate mix of learning possibilities for what the Essence wants out of that particular life.

To take an extreme example, Infant souls need a setting where they're continuously challenged on a survival level: that's what the Infant soul age is all about. They'd be totally out of place in, say, Scandinavia where there are well thought out safety net facilities that help people not have to deal with survival to the exclusion of everything else.

The other thing to remember is that a country's soul age is an average: there's always a distribution of Essences with different soul ages, and the social background usually provides a range of lessons that are suitable for all of them.


John Roth