Author Topic: Channeling: My Provenance. - Jondalf  (Read 5998 times)


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Channeling: My Provenance. - Jondalf
« on: April 18, 2011, 06:16:48 AM »
I feel the need to relate my personal history of exposure to the subject of "Channeling", for the ongoing better understanding of my occasional
disagreements with The Michael.

I was first taught to channel during a '60s experimental psychedelic gestalt experience called "Monday Night Class".  Every monday night (beginning, for me, in 1968) for a year or two, up to 1,000+ 'seekers' would gather at The Family Dog (a hall on Ocean Beach in San Francisco) take LSD, and then attempt to  interact with each other, & our 'sat-guru', an ex-Marine shaman named Stephen Gaskin.  We would ALL attempt to learn about reality, and metaphysics, and spirituality, you name it.

Stephen would astound everyone continually by fielding ANY question, from ANYBODY in the audience, and answering (with an ongoing, consensually agreed upon accuracy rate of 85%+) with pertinent, enlightening probity and commentary.  Stephen asserted that he (and we all) could access "The Akashic Records", as delineated by Edgar Cayce - "The Sleeping Prophet", because we had been given the metaphysical tool of LSD to assist us in "de-programming" ourselves from Judeo-Christianic conditioning (see: "Life Against Death", by Norman O Brown) and to aid us in our spiritual aspirations.  Thus began MY introduction into the "Channeling Arts", years before the advent of the MT.

Therefore, if my responses to some core MT principles seem a bit odd, just remember the movie: "Men Who Stare At Goats", and realize how differently some of us were trained.  NAMASTE` -  Jondalf