1] My presumed ET is a King. Not quite sure about my casting at present...
2] Thus far, I've attributed my writing and speaking style to MBTI more than anything. As an INFJ, my Extroverted Feeling (responsiveness to others' values and needs) could seem to emulate the Sage quality of the "audience channel." There's also a tendency towards perfectionism, so I edit/re-edit/re-re-edit my posts for the perfect wording, and can take a bit of time to answer in-person.

However, in thinking on how the MT could apply here, it could be one or more of several things. Cardinal roles all share the desire to communicate to groups, so effective presentation is a boon. Soul age generally implies overall refinement as one ages, which could lead to more-polished language. Overleaves could come into play as well - I'm an Idealist myself, and that's more typical for Sages, it seems.